Dance. Artistic events. Or look up more Restaurants in București. Elfi Sky Bar & Urban Kitchen Skybar București – Iancu Nicolae, nr. Is this a place or activity you would suggest for, Is this a romantic place or activity that you would suggest for, Is this a must-do if you are traveling with a, Are the prices for this place or activity, Is this a place or activity you would go to on a, Calea Dorobanti 155, Bucharest 010581 Romania, Piaţa Victoriei 1 / Piaţa Victoriei 2 (Victory Square), Nice location but the food and drinks are not good unfortunately. Începi cu senzația pe care ți-o oferă recepția unui hotel luminos și în fața ochilor ți se deschide tabloul orașului, văzut de la 136 de metri înălțime. DESCHIS Gastrobar. Calea Dorobanti 155, Etaj 5, Terasa, Bucuresti, Romania. Nice place with a great view. Întrebări: +40735448080. Enter the password to open this PDF file. Outdoors summer / Indoors winter. Services were very good and the food was excellent. Please choose a different date. Eventist - Skybar – Above the city! Un lounge cu design futurist ce își propune să ofere o oază de liniște și verdeață la înălțime pentru întâlnirile cu prietenii în serile de vară sau la reunirile de afaceri în timpul zilei. Nomad Skybar is the new & fancy place in the Historical Center of Bucharest. Inclusiv la toalete gasiti pe jos colaje cu vederi deasupra orasului. NOR devine un punct de referință pentru București pentru că este cel mai înalt loc unde poți lua masa! Nomad Sky Bar – Situat la ultimul etaj al clădirii de pe Smardan 30. As visitors of course we had no idea. At Nomad Skybar you will encounter a space where a restaurant meets a bar meets a club. Stunning sunset views and nightlife vibes can be enjoyed with some of the best high-end cocktails and beverages on offer. With food and bar menu from 7 international cuisines (Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Asia, USA, Romania) Nomad is the place to be if you're looking for a restaurant, bar, lounge, club or terrace. Despre Sky Bar Dorobanti Sky Bar, primul roof bar din România, este rezultatul unui proiect inovator care a apărut din dorinţa de a crea un loc inedit, inspirat din conceptul “roof bars”. The staff is rude and makes you feel unwelcome. Drink. Restaurant la etajul 15 ce iti ofera o imagine panoramica a Bucurestiului asa cum nu ai mai vazut. The experience was outstanding overall. Otherwise, the drinks menu is diverse and you have a decent list to choose from. The place is good for having a drink with a nice view, but not recommended for eating. frozen. Definitely planning for an comeback. With amazing views, weekly events, Pura Vida Sky Bar is a great place to meet travelers from all … The website menu is outdated, they don't have everything listed on the onsite menu (eg.they offer you precooked tortellini instead of homemade ravioli), most of the dishes are previously. amazing thunderstorm over the city, prolonged, and we were never going to get any decent views. more, Recommended experiences in and around Bucharest. Rooftop Lounge Bar Skybar impresioneaza prin design-ul unic, futuristic si atmosfera speciala Cafeneaua este amplasata pe Calea Dorobantilor, Bucuresti … Sky Bar™ our retail store and manufacturing plant are located at 365 Boston Post Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 retail hours are: 11 am-4 pm tuesday-saturday and 12 pm-4 pm sunday . Elfi Sky Bar București Pipera - Meniu Pește și fructe de mare restaurant si comenzi online! Or look up more Restaurants in București. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Disappointing experience overall but thank you Ramona for your efforts. Looking as charming as ever, the bar has a cozy atmosphere and a unique, futuristic design. Finally there it was, a small sign on a door telling us the bar was on fifth floor.It wasn't what we expected.It was our bad luck there was an amazing thunderstorm over the city, prolonged, and we were never going to get any decent views. Cancel OK. Chiar daca SkyBar "pierde in inaltime" fata de celelalte exemple pe care vi l-am dat, fiind situat numai la etajul 5, se lauda cum ca ar fi fost primul roof bar din Bucuresti. O cardápio de Sky Bar em București, Calea Dorobanti 155. pode ser visto ou adicionado aqui. 25 Ne mutăm în Pipera, unde Elfi Sky Bar ne-a impresionat plăcut: au reușit să creeze o oază de chill și de relaxare în inima cartierului corporatist. No visit to Romania would be complete without ticking off Transylvania, where ancient castles are set against backdrops of dramatic rolling hills. With food and bar menu from 7 international cuisines (Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Asia, USA, Romania) Nomad is the place to be if you're looking for a restaurant, bar, lounge, club or terrace. At Union Plaza Hotel you will find exquisite on-site dining options, Sky Bar at 12 floor, spacious guest rooms and versatile event & meeting space. Pura Vida Sky Bar is the only roof top bar in the Old Town of Bucharest. Impresioneaza-ti invitatii si organizeaza o petrecere (privata sau corporate) la inaltime. As visitors of course we had no idea. The Menu for Sky Bar from București, category :category can be view here or added. Situated on a quiet street in the Old Town of Bucharest, Filitti Hotel is a charming small boutique hotel, offering cozy, spacious accommodation, an Italian restaurant, a glamorous Sky Bar and friendly service in a tranquil, central location. In our case, this recipe is: Eat. Sky Bar Bucuresti din albumul Sky Bar Bucuresti, Poza 5. One of Bucharest’s top fusion locations. Restaurantul Sole, pentru o cina speciala, unde puteti savura Paste, Fructe de Mare, Steak-uri si alte delicii cu influente Mediteraneene. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Finally there it was, a small sign on a door telling us the bar was on fifth floor.It wasn't what we expected.It was our bad luck there was an. When we left they closed, so well done for staying open for us. YouTube VIdeo: Its a Wonderful World Sky Bar on Chronicle. Bucharest with a View. It is sad the food and drinks to make it to the level of the beauty of the place and music. Elfi SkyBar & Urban Kitchen vă așteaptă într-o atmosferă elegantă să vă bucurați de una dintre cele mai frumoase priveliști de la înălțime din Nordul Bucureștiului.. Fie că îți dorești să savurezi o cină romantică alături de persoana iubită sau să petreci alături de prieteni o seară de neuitat, vei descoperi culorile apusului așa cum nu le-ai mai văzut niciodată. The Menu for Sky Bar from București, category :category can be view here or added. Îi recomandă apusurile de poveste, dar și vinurile bune, asezonate cu o mâncare . 5,5% BERE - de prieteni - SILVA STRONG DARK 330 ml • 15 lei bere neagră, România, Alc. Ziua, locatia isi propune sa fie o oaza de liniste si verdeata, ideala pentru intalniri de afaceri sau cateva clipe alaturi de prieteni deasupra orasului sub cerul senin intr-o atmosfera relxanta care te va face sa uiti ca te afli in centrul orasului. File name:- Sky Bar Catering Bucuresti este o firma catering nou intrata pe piata, însa în scurt timp vom deveni un punct de referinta în catering deoarece folosim cele mai proaspete si naturale ingrediente, ceea ce ne recomanda ca una dintre cele mai inedite firme de catering din Bucuresti. Or look up more Restaurants in București. Sky Bar asigura atat o atmosfera relaxanta in timpul zilei, de lounge bar, cat si o atmosfera animata pe timpul noptii, dar de fiecare data o experienta "above the city". Nomad Skybar is the new & fancy place in the Historical Center of Bucharest. Skybar – Above the city! The Menu for Sky Bar from București, category :category can be view here or added. Luați liftul la ultimul etaj – sau urcați scările dacă aveți nevoie să vă încălziți pentru o noapte lungă – și veți găsi un spațiu în care restaurantul întâlnește barul întâlnește clubul. The drinks are bad. Anyway we were the night's only customers.It was a soulless experience with just the four of us on a schoolroom type table set up in the corner. SkyBar Dorobanti – Bucharest’s first modern rooftop bar, located in the stylish Dorobanti neighborhood – an area known for its clubs, pubs & lounges long before the Old Town became an important nightlife hot spot. Restaurant Sole - Restaurant nunta Bucuresti. First job was to find this place, the taxi driver was going up and down the road looking for it. Beneficiind de o locatie centrala, situat pe terasa unei cladiri amplasate pe Calea Dorobantilor, ne propunem sa urcam in primul loc al preferintelor clientilor nostri si sa devenim un punct de atractie al Bucurestiului. Often, in life, the best experiences start from a simple recipe. Sky Bar. 7% SILVA PREMIUM BLONDE LAGER 330 ml • 15 lei bere blondă, România, Alc. Primul roof bar din Romania, un concept nou de lounge care impresioneaza prin design-ul unic, futurist si prin atmosfera speciala. Viziteaza galeria de fotografii Metropotam! With an ideal location in city center, we deliver your perfect stay, whether is for business or pleasure. A fost primul Sky Bar din București, situat pe terasa unei clădiri de pe Calea Dorobanților. Luxury in the heart of Bucharest! You don’t have to leave hostel because you can throw you own party here. Nor Sky Casual Restaurant se află la etajul 36 din 37 al clădirii Sky Tower, lângă mallul Promenada, la adresa Bd Barbu Văcărescu 201. Parcare găsiți în zona în subsolul mallului Promenada, iar … See the best of the region without having to worry about car hire or navigation on a day trip from Bucharest, which offers a great introduction to local history for first-time visitors. Noaptea, la lumina lunii, Skybar promite o atmosfera animata care isi propune sa fie gazda pentru numeroase petreceri si evenimente, asigurand privelistea unica a cerului instelat. $$$ | 3rd floor | Tineretului. The rain got in and ran under the table and our shoes got soaked.It was a limited menu but the cocktails were good.We enjoyed the food and service was ok (then it should be with just four of us). Unfortunately, not many options on menu. InterContinental (IHG) Hotels in Bucharest, Hotels near Muzeul National al Satului "Dimitrie Gusti", Hotels near Romanian Athenaeum (Ateneul Roman), Hotels near Manuc's Inn (Hanul lui Manuc), Hotels near Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History, Hotels near The National Museum of Art of Romania, Vespa, Scooter & Moped Tours in Bucharest, Zipline & Aerial Adventure Parks in Bucharest, Game & Entertainment Centers in Bucharest, Points of Interest & Landmarks in Bucharest, Observatories & Planetariums in Bucharest, Muzeul National al Satului "Dimitrie Gusti": Tickets & Tours‎, Museum of Senses Bucharest: Tickets & Tours‎, The National Museum of Art of Romania: Tickets & Tours‎. Cel mai apropiat aeroport este Aeroportul International Henri Coanda Bucuresti care se află la 20 km de Pura Vida Sky Bar & Hostel. Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date(s) you selected. Contemporary, uber-chic and in a class of its own, Amethyst Sky Bar offers a total sensory experience from the ambiance and the views to the dining and the music. Higley recommended.Petrisor our water was also very courteous and helpful. Named after its floor number, 18 invites you with a unique blend of cuisine, music, design and a stunning view of the city skyline, Herastrau Lake and Kiseleff Blvd. First job was to find this place, the taxi driver was going up and down the road looking for it. Primul roof bar din Romania, un concept nou de lounge care impresioneaza prin design-ul unic, futurist si prin atmosfera speciala. The Sky Bar is the icing on the cake with an amazing view above the Old Town and the best sunsets you can see. Unitatea de cazare se află la … Book now and get the lowest price for your accommodation in Bucharest! We seat up to 180 guests inside and up to 60 on the terrace, a 15 meters long bar serving for a relaxed and at ease atmosphere. Orarul este L 12–24, M-D 10–24, au site oficial și pagină de Facebook.
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