2 Jun 2020, 10:36:47 UTC. Technische Spezifikationen, Mengen und Verwaltungsdetails stammen aus der VesselFinder-Datenbank. Hauptabmessungen (Main dimensions) Länge über alles (Lenght over all) 398,00 m. Breite (Breadth) … 65 1 0. Es wurde gebaut in 2015. IMO: 9702156 Schiffstyp: Containerschiff Baujahr: 2015 BRZ: 175688 DWT: 186529t Container: 16000TEU Länge: 398.00m Breite: 54.00m Tiefgang: 16.00m Josiek. The current position of CMACGM BOUGAINVILLE is A ship can change name and flag state through time, but the IMO number remains the same through the hull's entire lifetime. As a result, it can be useful to identify a ship by using the IMO number. The current position of CMACGM BOUGAINVILLE is at Red Sea (coordinates 20.16625 N / 39.22122 E) reported 6 days ago by AIS. CMACGM BOUGAINVILLE aktuelle Position und Geschichte der Port-Anrufe werden von AIS empfangen. The vessel was the largest container carrier operating under the flag of France. Vessel CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of France. kanne1957 . C'est le quatrième de la série de six navires du groupe appartenant à la même classe à être livré en 2015 et le plus long. Finn321. Photo of CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE (Container ship, IMO: 9702156, MMSI: 215857000, Callsign: 9HA5334, Flag: Malta, Photo-ID: 1698415) taken by HarryS. The CMA CGM Group, a worldwide leading shipping group, is pleased to announce that the CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE has entered the group’s fleet and becomes the largest containership in the world under French flag. Schiffsdetails Über CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE Einschliesslich Aktueller Schiffsposition, Reiseinformation Und Fotos. CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE am 11.10.2015 auf der Elbe höhe Otterndorf nach Hamburg The CMA CGM Bougainville is deployed on the CMA CGM’s French Asia Line (FAL) between Europe and Asia. 228067900. The vessel is en route to the port of Qingdao, sailing at a speed of 16.3 knots and expected to arrive there on Mar 27, 02:00. Member since Oct 2018; Germany 168 photo uploads; 0 reported datasheets; CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE. 66 photos for Container ship CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE Josiek. Finn321. CMA CGM Bougainville Marseille Baunummer 2094 IMO-Nummer 9702156 Ablieferung 25. (Oct 5, 2016) CMA CGM awarded the highest rating by EcoVadis, (Mar 3, 2016) CMA CGM deploys its flagship fleet between Asia and the U.S. West coast, (Nov 26, 2015) CMA CGM Cuts Its Carbon Footprint by 50Pct, (Oct 9, 2015) 18,000 TEU CMA CGM Bougainville inaugurated in Le Havre, France, (Oct 2, 2015) CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE - the first container ship ever to have in-built connected container technology, (Aug 31, 2015) CMA CGM Reports 67% Q2 Profit Growth, Mitsui E&S Shipbuilding (MES-S) announces delivery of a 66,000 dwt type bulk carrier mv JAL KALPAVRIKSH, UPDATE 2: Suez Canal Blocked by Huge container ship; Video simulation of the controversial track, UPDATE 1: Suez Canal Blocked by Huge container ship; The first attempt to refloat the vessel - unsuccessful, MAN Energy Solutions wins order to supply 10 ME-GI dualfuel engines to a series of 10 VLCCs, A.P. Wikipedia. Sie sind 398 Meter lang, 54 Meter breit und können bis zu 17‘722 Container laden. CMA CGM Bougainville. DESCR_PHOTOS_PICTURE. CMA CGM Kerguelen. Flagge (Flag) Frankreich (FRA) Heimathafen (Homeport) Marseille. Passagierkabinen 15.11.2020 10:08 Lineragent. Information about the vessel may be found at IMO 9702156. Entdecke Die Wesentlichen Schiffsdetails, Einschliesslich Imo-Schiffsnummer / Mmsi-Nummer Und Schiffsrufzeichen. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. 54 1 0. Container ship, built in 2015 by Samsung Heavy Industries for CMA CGM on French Asia Line . With such dimensions, the cargo ship has maximum capacity for 18,000 TEU with 1,254 reefer plugs for transportation of temperature controlled cargo. Die Reederei CMA CGM … CMACGM BOUGAINVILLE (IMO: 9702156, MMSI: 215857000) ist Container Ship. 4 Votes. Die CMA CGM Kerguelen wurde am 31. Das Flaggschiff der Reederei, die „CMA CGM Bougainville“ Quelle: CMA CGM . Recherchez dans. Category:CMA CGM Bougainville (ship, 2015) From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. C'est le plus grand navire français de l'histoire lors de sa livraison. MV CMA CGM Bougainville is container ship, built in 2015 by Samsung Heavy Industries for CMA CGM on French Asia Line (FAL). Vessel CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE is a Container Ship, Registered in Malta. (Oct 5, 2016) CMA CGM awarded the highest rating by EcoVadis, (Mar 3, 2016) CMA CGM deploys its flagship fleet between Asia and the U.S. West coast, (Nov 26, 2015) CMA CGM Cuts Its Carbon Footprint by 50Pct, (Oct 9, 2015) 18,000 TEU CMA CGM Bougainville inaugurated in Le Havre, France, (Oct 2, 2015) CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE - the first container ship ever to have in-built connected container technology, (Aug 31, 2015) CMA CGM Reports 67% Q2 Profit Growth, Mitsui E&S Shipbuilding (MES-S) announces delivery of a 66,000 dwt type bulk carrier mv JAL KALPAVRIKSH, UPDATE 2: Suez Canal Blocked by Huge container ship; Video simulation of the controversial track, UPDATE 1: Suez Canal Blocked by Huge container ship; The first attempt to refloat the vessel - unsuccessful, MAN Energy Solutions wins order to supply 10 ME-GI dualfuel engines to a series of 10 VLCCs, A.P. Il est mis à flot le 25 août 2015. CMA CGM ANTOINE DE SAINT EXUPERY … GBSOU - SOUTHAMPTON, FRDKK - DUNKERQUE, DEHAM - HAMBURG, NLRTM - ROTTERDAM … ** Attached schedule is indicative only as modifications and updates are constantly being made, you are invited to check regularly with our … CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE … Mai 2015 als Typschiff einer Sechserserie baugleicher ULCV -Schiffe in Fahrt gesetzt. CMA CGM ANTOINE DE SAINT EXUPERY … GBSOU - SOUTHAMPTON, FRDKK - DUNKERQUE, DEHAM - HAMBURG, NLRTM - ROTTERDAM … ** Attached schedule is indicative only as modifications and updates are constantly being made, you are invited to check regularly with our … CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE … 9702156. Learn more : http://goo.gl/XQGGgv Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. kanne1957. Rufzeichen (Call Sign) FIVD. CMA CGM Bougainville is giant container ship with overall length of 398.00 m, moulded beam of 54.00 m and maximum draft of 16.10 m. The summer deadweight of the carrier is 185,000 DWT and the gross tonnage is 175,000 GRT. Member since Aug 2015; Germany 164 photo uploads; 4 reported datasheets; CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. August 2015 Die Einheiten des CMA CGM Kerguelen-Typs sind bei ihrer Einführung im Jahr 2015 die größten Containerschiffe der französischen Reederei CMA CGM. CMA CGM S.A. is a French container transportation and shipping company. Die Daten dienen nur zu Informationszwecken und VesselFinder ist nicht verantwortlich für die Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit von CMACGM BOUGAINVILLE Daten. We offer you to download wallpapers CMA CGM Bougainville, sea, cargo ship, container ship, CMA CGM Group, cargo transport from a set of categories ships necessary for the resolution of the monitor you for free and without registration. Voyage < Previous > Next. Share. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of CMACGM BOUGAINVILLE data. … Main ship particulars are length of 398 m and beam of 54 m. Show vessel in portmap . As a result, you can install a beautiful and colorful wallpaper in high quality. Eingetragene Geschwindigkeit (Max./Durchschnitt) 24,00 / 22,50 knots The vessel's current speed is 0 Knopenand is currently inside the port of MAASVLAKTE - ROTTERDAM. 17,722 TEU very large UK flagged Explorer class container ship owned by the French shipping company CMA CGM. Get the details of the current Voyage of CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9702156, MMSI 215857000, Call Sign 9HA5334 It is a leading worldwide shipping group, using 200 shipping routes between 420 ports in 150 different countries, ranking fourth behind Maersk Line, MSC and COSCO Shipping Lines. The current position of CMACGM BOUGAINVILLEis in North Seawith coordinates 51.95068° / 3.99030°as reported on 2020-11-17 17:31by AIS to our vessel tracker app. Service French Asia Line 3 … Schiffsdetails: CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE. Ship photo of CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE taken by shipspotter HarryS at FleetMon.com, the global free ship database. Ships similar to or like CMA CGM Bougainville. CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE (9702156) CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE: Allgemeine Information (General info) IMO-Nummer (IMO No.) at China Coast (coordinates 23.41586 N / 118.07712 E) reported 1 min ago by AIS. CMA CGM Marco Polo. It is the fourth vessel of the 18000 TEU series, bearing the names of great explorers. One of the Biggest ship in the world docking in Port of Algeciras CMA-CGM Bougainville Taken on: 2015-10-11 11:13:09. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Model : NIKON D610 Exposure : 1/320, 4.5 ISO : 250, f.length:80mm Predlažem da se slika izbriše ! Sie fahren unter der Flagge von Frankreich (CMA CGM Bougainville) und England mit internationaler Schiffsführung. With her 394 m length and 54 m width, the ship can carry 240,000 t of cargo. Typ: Container Ship Schiff, Registriert In Malta. Es fährt unter der Flagge von Malta. Vessel CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Malta.Her IMO number is 9702156 and MMSI number is 215857000. CMA CGM … 26 Oct 2019, 11:52:51 UTC. on Mar 27, 02:00. The 18,000 TEU vessel built by Samsung Heavy Industries cost EUR 133 mln. Information Technical data. Mai 2015 als Typschiff einer Sechserserie baugleicher ULCV-Schiffe in Fahrt gesetzt. currently sailing under the flag of Malta. Rating . 0 Votes. The vessel CMACGM BOUGAINVILLE (IMO: 9702156, MMSI 215857000) is a Container Ship built in 2015 (6 years old) and Finde Die Schiffsdetails: Tragfähigkeit, Bruttoraumzahl Und Baujahr. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. CMA CGM Bougainville. IMO: 9702156 Vesseltype: Containerschiff Built: 2015 GRT: 175688 DWT: 186529 t Container: 16000 TEU Length: 398.00 m Breadth: 54.00 m Draught: 16.00 m . Main ship particulars are length of 398 m and beam of 54 m. Maps below show the following voyage data - Present Location, NExt port, Estimated (ETA) … Die Reederei CMA CGM aus Marseille gab die Schiffe bei der Werft Samsung Heavy Industries in Geoje, Südkorea in Auftrag. My CMA CGM Actualités Aide Rechercher. Picture gallery (1 Image) CMA CGM Bougainville - Photo: HHM / Dietmar Hasenpusch. Its headquarters are in Marseille, and its North American headquarters are in Norfolk, Virginia, United States. MMSI-Nummer (MMSI No.) Status (Status) Active . Vessel CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE. The CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE becomes the largest containership in the world sailing under the French flag. The vessel is the largest container ship in the world at the time of her launch in August 2015, having maximum capacity for 18,000 TEU with 1,254 reefer plugs. Moller - Maersk Joins Methanol Institute, AIDA ships dock for the first time at the new Dubai Cruise Terminal. Le CMA CGM Bougainville est un navire porte-conteneurs de la compagnie française CMA CGM. Wikipedia. wurden 2015-2016 von der französischen Grossreederei CMA CGM in Dienst gestellt. 4. Last call in Hamburg. CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE Current Position Where is the current position of CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE presently? The largest container ship in the fleet of CMA CGM. Terminal / Berth . Moller - Maersk Joins Methanol Institute, AIDA ships dock for the first time at the new Dubai Cruise Terminal. Her IMO number is 9702156 and MMSI number is 228067900. CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE, the largest containership under French flag, has been inaugurated in Le Havre, says Russian Shipping (media group PortNews). The vessel is en route to the port of Qingdao, sailing at a speed of 16.4 knots and expected to arrive there Die CMA CGM Kerguelen wurde am 31. (Mar 3, 2016) CMA CGM deploys its flagship fleet between Asia and the U.S. West coast (Nov 26, 2015) CMA CGM Cuts Its Carbon Footprint by 50Pct (Oct 9, 2015) 18,000 TEU CMA CGM Bougainville inaugurated in Le Havre, France (Oct 2, 2015) CMA CGM BOUGAINVILLE - the first container ship ever to have in-built connected container technology CMACGM BOUGAINVILLE current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Entrez votre demande. This page was last edited on 7 July 2018, at 11:42.
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