When you use IMAP, you can read your Gmail messages on multiple devices, and messages are synced in real time. ferghan webmaster administrator Gmail is an easy to use email app that saves you time and keeps your messages safe. Vous êtes ici : Accueil » le quiet for Gmail. Some apps disable notifications globally on a schedule but I didn't want that. With the Gmail app you get: • An organized inbox - Social and promotional messages are sorted into categories so you can read messages from friends and family first. As the name implies, Quiet for Gmail works with the default Android Gmail client, but it also works with the Google Inbox application. Get your messages instantly via push notifications, read and respond online & offline, and find any message quickly. I'm quite used to the official Gmail app but they don't have this feature. Gmail の通知を作成したスケジュールに沿って特定の時間だけ無効にできる Android アプリ「Quiet for Gmail」がリリースされました。 Android: „Quiet for Gmail“ schaltet Mail-Accounts nach Planung stumm Marcel Am 06.03.2017 veröffentlicht Lesezeit etwa 1:00 Minuten Achtung, sehr nischige App. The app will automatically enable/disable the synchronization to follow your schedule. We detected the issue and released an updated version of each extension immediately. Hi everyone, I've just release my app Quiet for Gmail, the idea is that you can specify your working hours and the app will automatically disable email notifications for your work account when you are not working, like weekends or late evenings.. The versions compromised are GIPHY for Chrome 1.4 and GIPHY for Gmail 1.5. Misschien moet je dan de app Quiet for GMail eens proberen om je schoolmail koest te houden vanaf een bepaald uur. Unfortunately, the GIPHY for Chrome and GIPHY for Gmail extensions were compromised on Saturday June 17 between 11am–1pm ET when they were updated to include a malicious JavaScript file. It's like a "Do not Disturb" mode for each of your email accounts. Quiet for GMail Jurgen / 4 februari 2020. The mail features remain much the same but you lose the ability to speed read, snooze email a la Quiet Hours, and previewing attachments. Le droit à la déconnexion. Heb je jouw schoolmail ingesteld op je Android-smartphone en vind je het vervelend dat het ding de hele avond “tingelt” omdat er nieuwe schoolmailtjes binnenkomen? This makes the … With "Quiet for Gmail" you can set time-based rules to stop notifications from your personal/work email accounts. Quiet for Gmail – 特徴 「Quiet for Gmail」アプリにより、Gmail通知を受け取らない期間を設定すると、その期間内にメールを受信しても通知が来なくなります。 Gmailアプリの同期を止める. Quiet for Gmail – 休日だけメール同期を止める方法! webmaster 17 avril 2020 Aucun commentaire. Do you hate work email on weekends?With "Quiet for Gmail" you can set time-based rules to stop notifications from your personal/work email accounts.It's like a "Do not Disturb" mode for each of your email accounts.The app will automatically enable/disable the synchronization to follow your Ein Großteil der Nutzer, die mit einem Android-Smartphone unterwegs sind, dürften bezüglich E-Mails auf die offizielle Gmail-App setzen. As a user of both Windows 10 and Gmail, I’ve tested a full range of apps for Windows 10, both designed from the ground up for Gmail and supporting other apps outside of Google’s own service. Set up IMAP and change your SMTP settings to read Gmail messages in other mail clients, like Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail. 17 avril 2020 17 avril 2020 le droit à la déconnexion, le droit du travail, le quiet for Gmail, télétravail Le changement.
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