Behind the scenes His sarcophagus was buried at the feet of a statue of Anubis, and from that day forward, the Medjai were tasked with preventing anyone from setting foot in Hamunaptra, fearing Imhotep's return. As the pain and shock of being betrayed by the woman that he loved was too strong for him to live with, and as he was confronted by the sight of his enemies, the O'Connells, helping one another out, furthering his pain, Imhotep was left with his final choice: he let go of the ledge that he was holding onto and slipped away into the abyss, furthered by fiery demons within the pit that hauled the mummy further into Hell. To distract his attention from killing her friends, Evelyn rushed up to Imhotep and kissed him full on the lips, breaking his concentration and causing the sands to ebb. O'Connell and Evelyn had heard the roar and rushed to Burns' quarters to investigate. With only moments left to leave, Imhotep still refused to leave Anck-Su-Namun, but his priests scurried him away to safety, wherein he promised to resurrect Anck-Su-Naman, watching in horror as his lover stabbed herself to death in front of the Medjai. Imhotep demanded to know what year it was, and was informed by Hafez that the Year of the Scorpion had come. Nefertiri lost the fight to Anck-Su-Namun, and was embraced by her father. Imhotep remained imprisoned in Hamanaptra for three thousand years, sealed inside his sarcophagus, until in 1926, three treasure-seekers: Richard O'Connell, Jonathan Carnahan, and Evelyn Carnahan, came to Hamunaptra, hoping to find treasures. Running from the chamber at once, Imhotep emerged once again, angrier, having recovered from the mortal weapon. In the first season finale, when it comes to the fight in the Paris catacombs where the Scrolls of Thebes are, he does regain them before they end up being destroyed by Alex using the Manacle's power to bring a torch underneath the Scrolls of Thebes to set them on fire, ensuring neither side has them. The next morning, the cultists left Karnak and headed for the temple island of Philae, followed by Abu Simbel, and onwards to the Blue Nile, to Abyssinia, where the river waters flowed closely to what would be the Oasis of Ahm Shere. Kharis is a character featured in Universal Studios's Mummy series in the 1940s following their original 1932 film The Mummy, which starred Boris Karloff as a different mummy character, Imhotep, though their backstories are practically identical. Imhotep Mummified alive, Imhotep was sealed in a coffin with flesh-eating scarabs. After some time, Imhotep had finally caught the Egyptologist and killed him in front of the townspeople of Cairo. Jonathan and Alex, upon finding O'Connell, were told of the true nature of the Sceptre and opened it: Jonathan attempted to throw the spear but was stopped by Imhotep, who declared that once he threw the spear and killed the Scorpion King, he would have control of the warlord's armies. During the meeting, Beni revealed to Burns that Imhotep's intent was to take the rest of Burns' organs and fluids, and Imhotep did so by first removing his mask, revealing his rotted face. Imhotep and Meela sit by the sacred pool. Evelyn headed back to her campsite and examined the book before reading it. Imhotep and Pharaos Seti I during his mortal life. O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan and Alex reached the Pyramid as well, but Evelyn was mortally stabbed in the belly by Anck-Su-Namun. As they ran through the corridors, Evelyn had lost O'Connell and Jonathan, and fell through a secret entrance. Unbeknownst to either of them, the words she spoke from the book caused the mummy below to awaken, roaring. Imhotep's true intent was to use Evelyn as a sacrifice in order to bring his lover back from the dead. The Mummy Returns. As Seti turned around, he came face-to-face with Imhotep, who took his sword right from under him. Imhotep is a fictional character and the titular antagonist in the 1932 film The Mummy, and later featured in its 1999 remake and its sequel The Mummy Returns again as one of the main antagonists. Though he was thought dead when fighting the Minotaur within the flooding catacombs, Imhotep managed to survive and strove to find other ways to conquer the world. The tomb dated to the 3rd dynasty. When he was about to steal the Manacle of Osiris, the Pharaoh sent his royal guards to intercept him and sentence him to be mummified alive. Imhotep then commenced his quest to find the Scrolls of Thebes, conjuring the clouds above the pyramid in his own mummified profile. Imhotep is the next best thing to the great discovery of Tutankhamun by Howard Carter in 1922, which sparked a worldwide media frenzy and ignited interest in ancient Egypt. As the soldiers were about to finish off O'Connell, Jonathan managed to finish reading the inscriptions that brought them to life, stopping them and leaving them motionless. In time, the cultists succeeded in finding Imhotep, encased in a large chunk of amber-like material. When the Scorpion King responds to Imhotep's summons, Imhotep tricks him into attacking Rick O'Connell. The remains were taken to London, where the cultists sought out the next piece vital to defeating the Scorpion King: the Bracelet of Anubis. The Scorpion King pursued Rick onward, killing Hafez in the process, and as the Scorpion King chased the adventurer, the true nature of the Scepter of Osiris was shown to Rick: the Scepter extended into a spear that could be used to eradicate the Scorpion King. In the 1932 film The Mummy, Imhotep was the High Priest of the Temple of the Sun circa 1730 BC, and a very powerful sorcerer who was killed but denied access to the afterlife. Imhotep meanwhile was forced to suffer the Hom Dai, a legendary curse which granted the victim unholy powers and control over the Ten Plagues of Egypt. The skeletons sprang to life, killing as many men as they could, but hesitating to harm Imhotep, who protected Anck-Su-Namun from their attacks as well. An Ancient Egyptian priest called Imhotep (Boris Karloff) is revived when an archaeological expedition led by Sir Joseph Whemple (Arthur Byron) finds Imhotep's mummy. An unexpected person from Rick's past emerges from the ashes, Jonathan pulled in, and with it all the return of Imhotep, bringer of death. Red - Organs sucked out off-screen by Imhotep. Imhotep called out to Anck-Su-Namun for help, but Anck-Su-Namun fearfully shunned the request, running from the chamber for fear of being crushed by the falling rocks, and abandoned her lover. Once in the chamber, Imhotep took a large pole and began to sound a massive gong that would alert the Scorpion King to his presence; as O'Connell entered the chamber, Imhotep engaged him in a fight, which was brought to a close when the two looked to a massive set of wooden doors and saw that a giant creature was emerging from the doorway: the Scorpion King, a massive scorpion-human that burst down from the ceiling before landing on its feet. Statistics 13th Century B.C Intent on gaining that which he desired, the High Priest once went out to break the rules and laws of his religion to attain that which he desired; Imhotep broke the sacred law by taking the Black Book of the Dead out of its resting place so as to read it and resurrect his love. As Alex ran, the next location appeared to him: the temple island of Philae, but the vision was interrupted when Imhotep strode in, using his powers to lift Alex into the air, suspending him from moving, and jokingly wagged his finger in a "no" manner. This iteration of Imhotep was entombed alive for attempting to steal the Manacle of Osiris instead of reviving his lover Anck-Su-Namun. Imhotep is a minor player in the Non Disney Villains Tournament. The other two, distraught at what had happened, began to fire at the mummy in vengeance, but they were killed off as well. Listen to Imhotep (From “The Mummy” Soundtrack) by Jerry Goldsmith, 10,185 Shazams, featuring on Jerry Goldsmith Essentials Apple Music playlist. Commencing her career as a librarian, Evelyn ventured on an expedition to the ancient City of the Dead, Hamunaptra, where, along with others, she encountered an ancient cursed mummy known as Imhotep, which she helped to defeat. He attended on many occasions with the Pharaoh, including a sparring match between Anck-Su-Namun and Nefertiri, the daughter of the Pharaoh. Alex tried to act defiant once more by remarking that his father would defeat Imhotep, stating it in the earthy phrase "kick your arse", but Imhotep did not believe that it would happen as he knelt towards Alex and removed his mask, which showed his rotting face, stating his disbelief. Imhotep’s vision, wisdom and authority are also described in a rock-cut inscription dated to the 18th year of Ptolemaios V from the 3rd century BCE. Horus (Falcon) - Shot by Lock-Nah. After taking those two artifacts, Imhotep opened his mouth to an inhuman size, expelling thousands of flies which covered the townspeople and swarmed all over the city as Imhotep made his way calmly through the streets. The cult had dispatched several thugs to retrieve the Bracelet of Anubis, believed to be in the possession of Richard O'Connell and his wife Evelyn, who, since they had last encountered Imhotep, had been married and had a son, Alexander O'Connell. The curse transforms Imhotep into an undead fiend kept in a state of living death, with the intention that he would suffer being eaten alive by the scarabs for all time. INTRODUCTION. Imhotep is the antagonistic title character of Universal's 1932 film The Mummy and its 1999 remake, along with a sequel to the remake. Imhotep is the titular antagonist in the 1932 film The Mummy. They are discovered and Anck-Su-Namun commits suicide, intending that Imhotep resurrect her. Alias Mockingly bidding Alex's parents a safe journey, Imhotep used his powers to summon the waters of the Nile so that they would create a great tidal wave that would pursue the dirigible that Alex's family was traveling in, bringing the craft down as it tried to escape the wrath of Imhotep. Alex attempted to escape but Imhotep used his powers to fling him onto a stone slab within the chamber and bind the boy down with magical snake-like bindings that Imhotep himself conjured. If you have been following Universal Monsters Universe, the name Imhotep has become very familiar. The Manacle then summoned the Book of the Dead and Alex called out to his mother that she could use it to send Imhotep back to the Underworld but Imhotep lunged forward to try and take the Book; Alex flung it under his legs and Evelyn caught it in time to read verses that caused Imhotep to become weaker, as a mummy, but before the reading could be completed, Weasler tackled Evelyn and knocked the Book from her hands. Crown jewel of Pharaoh Seti the First. The O'Connell party had managed to stop the ship from sinking down and reached the pyramid, stopping Imhotep just as he was about to read from the Book of the Dead. Imhotep then summoned up several mummy soldiers that stood embedded in the walls and called upon them to retrieve the Manacle of Osiris, an ancient bracelet with magical powers, from Hamunaptra: Weasler then attempted to coax the mummy into forming an alliance, but Imhotep had instead threatened Weasler with finding the Manacle or paying with his life. For The Mummy's incarnation of Imhotep, he is loosely inspired by the historical figure Imhotep, a noted polymath and counselor to the Pharaoh Djoser in the 27th century BC. As Meela was in her trance, she saw Imhotep not as a mummy, but as his living self, whole again, which she then kissed deeply, not seeing that she was actually kissing a mummy that was rotting away further as she touched him. He plots to seek the Scrolls of Thebes in order to remove the Manacle of Osiris from Alex. That night, Imhotep stood out from a balcony with Anck-Su-Namun, looking out at London, when Hafez came and informed Imhotep that his enemies had taken the Sceptre of Osiris, which Imhotep considered to be of little concern, as he stated that his powers would be so great once they reached Ahm Shere that nothing could stop him. In 1290 BC, Imhotep was the high priest of Osiris under the rule of Pharaoh Seti I. Before she could make her way out, Imhotep stepped out of the shadows, causing Evelyn to shriek in horror at the sight of the reanimated mummy. Ultimately, Imhotep is defeated when he is stripped of immortality by the Book of Amun-Ra and he is stabbed with a sword by the film's protagonist Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser). As Imhotep finished off the American, the next plagues from his curse occurred outside, as the waters of Egypt turned red with blood and the skies rained hail and fire. Speaking to Alex in ancient Egyptian, knowing that the Bracelet of Anubis, Alex having put it on while back in London, would grant him the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, particularly their language. Of the many secrets of ancient Egypt's pyramid builders, among the most intriguing is the undiscovered final resting place of one of the most famous Egyptian sages and scientists: Imhotep. Imhotep is the main antagonist of the 1932 classic horror film The Mummy. Dr. Bey: [Imhotep, fully regenerated, and Beni, walks through the possessed male crowd towards Rick, Evelyn, Jonathan, Dr. Bey, and Ardeth] It's the creature.He's fully regenerated. Not stopping to help Bernard back up, Beni ran after the others, leaving Bernard to stumble along the corridors essentially blind. Ardeth Bay (the leader of an ancient secret society devoted to guarding Imhotep's tomb, rather than an alias of Imhotep) and Evelyn's employer explain that Imhotep will fear them until he is fully regenerated, cats being associated with the guardians of the underworld in Egyptian mythology, which is used to drive him back during an early confrontation.
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