. Dès lors, l’usage des mots est scruté de près. Therefore, the names of geographical features profiting from a unique historical identity, should not be utilized as political instruments in reaching a political, tribal, and racial objective, or in any clash with national interests and other's values," and finally concludes "...it is worth mentioning that the name of Persian Gulf has been admitted in all the live languages of the world so far and all the countries throughout the world, name this Iranian Sea, just in the language of the people: Persian Gulf. Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782, 1765 View larger, zoomable image (turn off pop-up blocker) Full Title: Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge. "[9] Mahan Abedin of The Jamestown Foundation agrees with this, noting that Arab countries used the term "Persian Gulf" until the 1960s. ; 2603.026; Engraved map on 2 sheets. Source: Asiatic Society of Mumbai Identifier: BK_00088385 Digitization Sponsor: Government of Maharashtra. 2011-09-21. Mohammed Thani Murshed Al Romaithi", "MIDEAST — Gulf rivalry between Iran, UAE transfered [, "Iran accuses UAE of racism in renaming Pro League to the Arabian Gulf League", "Iran bars captain's UAE transfer over Gulf name", "Historical, Geographical and Legal Validity of the name: Persian Gulf", Factsheet on the Legal and Historical Usage of the "Persian Gulf" – ISG MIT, ISNA: "Goods labelled with "Arabian Gulf" banned in Iran. . Relief shown pictorially; depths by soundings in inset maps. open_in_new Link to source ; warning Request revision ; Boys are trafficked to Persian Gulf States for use as camel jockeys. Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge. le golfe Persique *** 'Gulf' also found in translations in French-English dictionary: golfe. According to authors Philip L. Kohl, Mara Kozelsky, and Nachman Ben-Yehuda in their work Selective Remembrances, Sir Charles Belgrave (British adviser to the ruler of Bahrain) was "the first westerner to use and advocate the name 'Arabian gulf', first in the journal Soat al-Bahrain (Voice of Bahrain) in 1955. Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge. Il est plus proche du Koweït que de Téhéran, ce qui justifie les craintes des riverains arabes à propos des intentions iraniennes cachées derrière son programme nucléaire. Au départ de Mascate, PONANT vous propose une croisière de 9 jours entre le golfe d’Oman et le golfe Persique. Iran only uses the term "Persian Gulf" and does not usually recognize the naming when it is referred to as "Arabian Gulf" or just the "Gulf" or by any other alternative. Some parties use terms like "The Gulf" or the "Arabo-Persian Gulf". La capitale du pays, Manama est le siège de beaucoup de grandes structures financières.Bahreïn a un indice de développement humain élevé (48e rang dans le monde) et a été reconnue par la Banque mondiale comme une économie à revenu élevé Fujaïrah est le seul émirat qui n'a pas d'accés sur le golfe persique, mais donne sur le golfe d'Oman. Le cours entier du grand et fameux Nil, appellé la riviere de l'Egypte dans l'Ecriture sainte avec la Basse et la Haute Egypte 1 : 8090000 Egypt Lotter, Tobias Conrad Tobie Conrad Lotter. A l'est, le golfe Persique est bordé par le grand plateau d'Iran, qui s'élève rapidement jusqu'à une altitude moyenne de 1.500 mètres, en quelques kilomètres à partir de la côte. Le site Internet qui a soumis au vote des internautes les deux appellations, il y a quelques semaines, a déjà récolté plus de 434 000 votes. Le Qatar ou le Katar (en arabe : قطر), est un petit émirat du Moyen-Orient d'une superficie de 11 586 km2. nm. [31][32], Arab states of the Persian Gulf prefer the use of the term "Arabian Gulf". This resulted in heavy protests by many Iranians, especially the Internet user community and the Iranology Academy,[46] which led to the Iranian government acting on the issue and banning the distribution of the society's publications in Iran. [41] The GNS lists "Persian Gulf" as the Conventional name, along with 14 Variant names in different languages, such as "Gulf of Iran", "Gulf of Ajam", "Gulf of Basra", "Arabian Gulf", "Persian-Arabian Gulf", "Gulf of Fars", and "Farsi Gulf". Golfe Arabique ou Mer Rouge. Grèce, Péloponnèse. Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President", https://web.archive.org/web/20200217105557/https://japan.mfa.gov.ir/en/newsview/536033. Le Progrès du Golfe a été un journal actif du 15 avril 1904 au 1 er mai 1970 dans le Bas-Saint-Laurent et la Gaspésie. Golfe arabique n Antonin Portal Julien Tanti, Tablette Asus Transformer, Regagner Au Passé Composé, Oneplus Watch Cobalt, Commentateur Bein Sport Liga, Composition Gouvernement Allemand, Twist And Shout Chordpro Or Tab, Cuando Termina La Ampliación Del Canal De Panamá, Comment Effacer Toute Trace Des Sites Visités Sur Mon Pc,