Lesseps then retired from the diplomatic service, and never again occupied any public office. Ferdinand de Lesseps was born November 19, 1805 in Versailles, Yvelines. The marshal wrote to Mathieu de Lesseps on 18 December 1830: "I have had the pleasure of meeting your son, who gives promise of sustaining with great credit the name he bears.". © Fondation Napoléon 2021 ISSN 2272-1800. Because of this, Lesseps received a warm welcome from the viceroy and became good friends with his son, Said Pasha. But even once work on digging the canal had begun, the controversy continued. For more information on how to configure cookies, click here.. My Gift Parker, Matthew. The statue now stands in a small garden of the Port Fuad shipyard. In 1956 Egyptian President Gamal Nasser used his name in a radio speech, as the codeword to his army to raid the Suez Canal Company's offices on 26 July 1956. In 1858, a floatation enabled him to collect a hundred million Francs from 20,000 investors, mainly French, without the support of the major banks. Morny was opposed to de Lesseps who nonetheless was able to count on the support of Empress Eugénie, his second cousin. His uncle was ennobled by King Louis XVI, and his father was made a count by Emperor Napoleon I. In 1848, de Lesseps was appointed French Minister in Madrid by Lamartine. “Among the dozens of dossiers delivered every day to the Emperor’s cabinet, many were accompanied by…. The project was submitted to and passed by an international scientific commission, and preparatory exploration was begun immmediately. While in the interests of his canal Lesseps resisted the opposition of British diplomacy to an enterprise which threatened to give France control of the shortest route to India, he acted loyally towards Great Britain after Disraeli acquired the Suez shares belonging to the Khedive, by admitting to the board of directors of the company three representatives of the British government. [7], From 17 November 1899 to 23 December 1956, a monumental statue of Ferdinand de Lesseps by Emmanuel Frémiet stood at the entrance of the Suez Canal.[8][9]. Lesseps was created on 30 August 1851 the 334th Commander and then the 200th Grand Cross of the Order of the Tower and Sword. He had a sister, Adélaïde de Lesseps (1803–1879), married to Jules Tallien de Cabarrus (19 April 1801 – 1870), and two brothers, Théodore de Lesseps (Cádiz, 25 September 1802 – Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 20 May 1874), married in 1828 to Antonia Denois (Paris, 27 September 1802 – Paris, 29 December 1878), and Jules de Lesseps (Pisa, 16 February 1809 – Paris, 10 October 1887), married on 11 March 1874 to Hyacinthe Delarue. On 25 April 1859 the first blow of the pickaxe was given by Lesseps at Port Said. Vicomte Ferdinand de Lesseps, född 19 november 1805 i Versailles, död 7 december 1894 på sitt gods Chesnaye, var en fransk diplomat, främst känd som skapare av Suezkanalen.. Biografi. Born on November 19, 1805 in Versailles, France. Lesseps appears as a great engineer in the game Civilization V. Lesseps is also discussed extensively in the David McCullough book, The Path Between the Seas. Nommé Grand-croix de la Légion d'honneur en 1869, sans avoir été grand-officier, il fut élu à l'Académie des Sciences en 1873 et à l'Académie française le 21 février 1884 en remplacement de Henri Martin. In 1854, the accession to the viceroyalty of Egypt of Said Pasha gave Lesseps a new impulse to act upon the creation of a Suez Canal. Jeanne Marie Jacqueline du Bouays de La Bégassière (1907–1998), married to Jean de Contades (1902–1977; son of Jean de Contades and Rosa Augusta de los Dolores Guzmán y Zayas-Bazán), with issue: Yvonne de Contades (b. Creator of the Suez Canal. C'est le consul de France, Ferdinand de Lesseps, qui persuade Saïd Pacha de lui accorder une concession pour creuser le canal. Ferdinand de Lesseps est vice-consul de France à Alexandrie dès 1832. On 7 November 1854 he landed at Alexandria; on the 30th of the same month Said Pasha signed the concession authorizing him to build the Suez Canal.[5]. Lesseps was also entrusted by his father with missions to Marshal Count Bertrand Clausel, general-in-chief of the army of occupation in Algeria. The statue now stands in a small garden of the Port Fouad shipyard. Un siècle et demi plus tard, le président Abdel Fattah al-Sissi veut y laisser sa marque en élargissant le canal de Suez. Find out more. Birthplace: Versailles, France Location of death: La Chenaie, France Cause of death: unspecified Remains: Buried, Cimetiè. This work struck Lesseps's imagination, and was one of the influences that gave him the idea of constructing a canal across the African isthmus. Lesseps, Ferdinand de. In 1884, he was elected to the Académie Française. The Egyptian government thus subscribed for eighty million francs worth of shares. Once this goodwill had been shown, he bore no malice towards those who rendered him his liberty by preferring Léon Gambetta. Ferdinand de Lesseps. His Family was long distinguished in the French diplomatic service. Ferdinand de Lesseps fut un diplomate et un administrateur français du 19 e siècle. The same year, he became a member of the French Academy of Sciences. In the course of the raid and seizure of the canal by Egypt, the statue of Lesseps at the entrance of the Suez Canal was removed from its pedestal, to symbolize the end of European ownership of the waterway. Il débute sa carrière diplomati... Lire l’article. Fortunately for Lesseps, Muhammad Ali, the viceroy of Egypt, owed his position in part to the recommendations made on his behalf to the French government by Mathieu de Lesseps, who was consul-general in Egypt when Ali was a colonel. When he stayed at the Windsor Hotel, its staff flew the French flag in his honor. Born in Versailles, into a family raised to the nobility in 1777, son of Mathieu de Lesseps, French Consul, and nephew of Barthélemy de Lesseps, one of the members of the La Pérouse expedition and subsequently French Consul General in St Petersburg during the First Empire. The man-made waterway opened in 1869 after ten … After two years of surveys, work on the canal began in 1882. In 1828 Lesseps was sent as an assistant vice-consul to Tunis, where his father was consul-general. Consul General of France in Barcelona (en) 1842 - 1848. embaxador de Francia n'España. Neither an engineer nor a businessman, Lesseps employed his skills as a diplomat, as well as his boundless optimism and energy, to promote his plans. Following his first major assignment, as French consul to Morocco, de Lesseps was posted, in 1800, as liaison to the Egyptian Army and as superintendent of trade relations. Il dirigea les travaux du canal de Suez. In 1873 he became interested in a project for uniting Europe and Asia by a railway to Mumbai, with a branch to Beijing. Saltar a navegación Saltar a la gueta. His ancestors, it is believed, came from Spain, and settled at Bayonne during the region's occupation by the English. The failure of the project is sometimes referred to as the Panama Canal Scandal, after rumors circulated that French politicians and journalists had received bribes. In 1842 he was sent to Barcelona, and soon afterwards promoted to the grade of consul general. He served in Tunis later with … Le Caire (AFP) - Au XIXe siècle, un Français, Ferdinand de Lesseps, convainc un souverain égyptien complexé par son obésité qu'un canal reliant la Méditerranée à la mer Rouge lui apporterait la gloire. Ferdinand Marie, Vicomte (English: Viscount) de Lesseps, GCSI (19 November 1805 – 7 December 1894) was the French developer of the Suez Canal, which joined the Mediterranean and Red Seas in 1869.He also tried to build a Panama Canal during the 1880s, but malaria and yellow fever was so bad that he gave up and the Panama Canal Company went bankrupt. Le 26 juillet 1956 Gamal Abdel Nasser, président de la république égyptienne, annonce dans un discours prononcé à Alexandrie la décision de l’Égypte de nationaliser immédiatement la Compagnie du Canal de Suez. Marie-Eugénie de Lesseps (1876–1958), married in Paris on 11 December 1900 to François du Bouays de La Bégassière (1875–1914), and had issue: Jacques du Bouays de La Bégassière, married to Joyce Blaffler, with issue. Sous l'impulsion du Français Ferdinand de Lesseps, le creusement du canal de Suez de 1859 à 1869 (193,3 km de long) a permis de relayer les villes de Port Saïd sur la mer Méditerranée et de Suez sur le golfe de Suez. 2., coloured caricature from Vanity Fair, Nov.27, 1869 with descriptive sheet, overall size: 14 inches x 9 1/8 inches; 35.5 cm x 23 cm From 1848 to 1849 he was minister of France at Madrid. Lesseps was appointed President of the Panama Canal Company, despite the fact that he had reached the age of 74. The Masterpieces of the imperial State Secretariat In 1956 Egyptian President Gamal Nasser used his name in a radio speech, as the codeword to his army to raid the Suez Canal Company's offices on 26 July 1956. Born in Versailles, into a family raised to the nobility in 1777, son of Mathieu de Lesseps, French Consul, and nephew of Barthélemy de Lesseps, one of the members of the La Pérouse expedition and subsequently French Consul General in St Petersburg during the First Empire. Ferdinand de Lesseps. Whether you are a private individual or a company, if you are a tax payer in France, you get tax benefits on donations to the Fondation Napoléon. [12] The grave stands at one of the junctions amongst other large family tombs. At age 19, having studied law, he was appointed eleve-counsel to his uncle, then the French ambassador to Lisbon. Du pharaon Sésostris III au maréchal Sissi, en passant par Ferdinand de Lesseps et Nasser, l’Egypte a toujours été marquée par cette idée folle de relier la mer Rouge à la Méditerranée. 1928), married on 27 January 1951 to Bernard, Count of Harcourt (1925–1958; son of, Antoine de Contades (b 1932), married on 15 November 1963 to Daphne Jean Jefferson, with issue. In 1956, the Suez Canal was at the center of … Lesseps course was disapproved; he was recalled and brought before the Council of State. Ferdinand de Lesseps et le Canal de Suez. Education He received his education from College of Henry IV in Paris. She was the daughter of Gustave Adolphe Autard de Bragard, a former Magistrate of Mauritius, and wife Marie-Louise Carcenac (1817–1857), daughter of Pierre Carcenac (1771–1819) and wife Marie Françoise Dessachis. Lesseps was ordered to pay a fine and serve a prison sentence, but the latter was overturned by the Court of Cassation on the grounds that it had been more than three years since the crime was committed. chromolithograph. 160 relations. Lesseps was portrayed by Tyrone Power in the 1938 film Suez, with Loretta Young, a film which provoked complaints and legal action from Lesseps' family and the Egyptian government. In 1863 Said died and was succeeded by Ismail who ordered work to be stopped the following year. LE CANAL DU XXe SIECLE. His father, Mathieu de Lesseps (Hamburg, 4 May 1774 – Tunis, 28 December 1832), was in the consular service; his mother, Catherine de Grévigné (Málaga, 11 June 1774 – Paris, 27 January 1853), was Spanish on her mother's side, and aunt of the countess of Montijo, mother of the Empress Eugénie. Neither the opposition of Lord Palmerston, who considered the projected disturbance as too radical and a danger to the commercial position of Great Britain. Lesseps succeeded in rousing the patriotism of the French and obtaining by their subscriptions more than half of the capital of two hundred million francs which he needed in order to form a company, but could not attract any substantial capital contribution from the public in England or other foreign countries. Creator of the Suez Canal. Ferdinand de Lesseps, as head of the Franco-American Union, formally presented the statue to the United States, saying: This is the result of the devoted enthusiasm, the intelligence and the noblest sentiments which can inspire man. De toute évidence, les Égyptiens oublient l'acte de Ferdinand de Lesseps pour retenir celui de Nasser. During this time Lesseps went from one city to the other with zeal and energy. 1 Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Fonds Enfantin, Ms 7735, pièce 22. New York: Doubleday, This page was last edited on 24 March 2021, at 10:12. ), married in Paris on 12 January 1910 to. francia mérnök, diplomata. A son Yves de Contades, Marie Solange de Lesseps (1877–? Eventually, the project was bought out by the United States, which solved the medical problems and changed the design to a non-sea level canal with locks. Further issues of securities made it possible for work to continue, after it had been slowed down by a cholera epidemic. He later went to Boston, Chicago, and several other American cities to raise interest and capital for the project. Ferdinand, who was schooled at the Collège Henri-IV and then studied law, took up a career in the diplomatic service in his turn. Le 30 novembre 1854, Saïd Pacha signe une concession de 99 ans autorisant le diplomate français Ferdinand de Lesseps, son ancien professeur d’équitation, à percer l’isthme de Suez. He aided the escape of Youssouff, pursued by the soldiers of the Bey, of whom he was one of the officers, for violation of the seraglio law. But, during negotiations, the elections in France caused a change in the foreign policy of the government – Alexis de Tocqueville replaced the previous foreign minister. Il eut une réputation universelle et fut comblé d'honneurs. Ferdinand Marie, visconde de Lesseps (Versalhes, 19 de novembro de 1805 — La Chesnaye, Guilly, 7 de dezembro de 1894), na maior parte das vezes referido como Ferdinand de Lesseps, foi um diplomata e empresário francês. The French were able to manoeuvre in Egypt under Ali's graces by playing off the British aggression against Ali in Istanbul.[2]. She was a daughter of Henri de Grevigné (baptised Notre-Dame-aux-Fonts, Liège, 2 June 1744) and wife (m. Málaga, 1766) Francisca Antonia Gallegos (1751–1853). Upon Abbas' assassination in 1854, Lesseps, made inquiries with a former, if short-term, acquaintance and successor in Egypt, Said Pasha. In the end it was Ferdinand de Lesseps, a French diplomat who was very close to the Viceroy of Egypt, who obtained authorisation in 1854 to set up the venture that would build the canal and enjoy operating rights for a period of 99 years: the Suez Canal Company. Ferdinand Marie, viconte de Lesseps (n. 19 noiembrie 1805, Versailles, Franța – d. 7 decembrie 1894, Guilly, Indre, Franța) a fost un diplomat și antreprenor francez.Sub conducerea sa a fost finalizat Canalul Suez (inaugurat în 1869). Geographical and financial difficulties along with the opposition of the United States brought about the failure of the project, ending in a serious political and financial scandal (1888-1892). This was the first step to the Suez Canal's nationalization. In 1839 Lesseps was appointed consul at Rotterdam, and in the following year transferred to Málaga, the ancestral home of his mother's family. One of his great-grandfathers, Pierre de Lesseps (Bayonne, 2 January 1690 – Bayonne, 20 August 1759), son of Bertrand Lesseps (1649–1708) and wife (m. 18 April 1675) Louise Fisson (1654–1690), was town clerk and at the same time secretary to Queen Maria Anna of Neuburg, widow of Charles II of Spain. However he was then appointed Consul in Rotterdam, and after that in Barcelona, where the protection he provided to civilians during the uprising of 1842 earned him the cordon of Officer of the Légion d'honneur. Lesseps then went to Washington D.C., met with President Rutherford B. Hayes, and testified to the House Interoceanic Canal Committee. He was made Vice-Consul in Alexandria in 1832 and Consul in Cairo the following year. Article réservé à nos abonnés « Lesté d’une dette de 42 milliards, EDF n’a pas les moyens de ses ambitions nucléaires » From this position he facilitated Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza's explorations, and acquired stations that Brazza subsequently abandoned to the French government. His interest turned to the exploration of Africa and, among other things, to the expeditions of Savorgnan of Brazza. 'He Suppressed an Isthmus' [Le Vicomte Ferdinand de Lesseps (1805-94)/ unattributed/unsigned, Men of the Day No. In the course of the raid and seizure of the canal by Egypt, the statue of Lesseps at the entrance of the Suez Canal was removed from its pedestal, to symbolize the end of European ownership of the waterway. É conhecido sobretudo por promover a construção dos canais de Suez e do Panamá. Finally, the Sultan of Constantinople issued the firman sanctioning the company in 1865, and the following year Great Britain agreed to acknowledge its existence officially. Long de 164 kilomètres, le Canal de Suez n'est "pas l'apanage d'une nation: (...) il appartient à une aspiration de l'humanité", lançait en 1864 Ferdinand de Lesseps… The canal played a crucial role in a Cold War-era crisis. If in 1869 he appeared to deviate from this principle by being a candidate at Marseille for the Corps Législatif, it was because he yielded to the entreaties of the Imperial government in order to strengthen its goodwill for the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal was built in Eygpt under the supervision of French diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps. À l’évocation de la Compagnie du canal de Suez, surgissent les figures de Ferdinand de Lesseps, du colonel Nasser ou encore de Claude François traversant le canal à la nage. To make up for the abolition of hard labour, workers were brought in from Europe and, more importantly, modern materials were used to dig the canal. The Compagnie universelle du canal maritime de Suez was organized at the end of 1858. He withdrew from public life to live in semi-retirement in the Indre for nearly five years. These stations were the starting-point of French Congo. Lesseps var 1834-38 fransk generalkonsul i Alexandria och förflyttades senare till Spanien. Les Anglais s'imposèrent donc en Egypte jusqu'au 26 juillet 1956, date de la nationalisation du canal par le Colonel Nasser (les troupes britanniques avaient commencé à quitter la zone du canal dès 1952, après l'abdication du Roi Farouk, sous la poussée d'un groupe de militaires … Dossier de presse Exposition L’ÉPOPÉE DU CANAL DE SUEZ.Des Pharaons au XXIe siècle 3 p.2 Editorial de Jack Lang, Président de l’IMA p.4 Un peu d’Histoire p.10 Les personnages qui ont fait l’histoire du Canal, par les commissaires Claude Mollard et Gilles Gauthier p.15 Parcours de l’exposition p.25 Autour de l’exposition p.33 Le Prix pour la création contemporaine arabe 2018 Politically, the British were allied with the Ottoman capital in Istanbul—to prevent the Russians from Black Sea access to the Mediterranean Sea—and had also repelled Ali's attempt to invade the Ottoman capital in 1833. The waters of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea were united on 15 August, and on 17 November the canal was officially inaugurated with magnificent ceremony in the presence of numerous world leaders. Particularly disastrous were recurrent landslides into the excavations from the bordering water-saturated hills, and the death toll from malaria and yellow fever. Une expérience immersive. V šedesáti čtyřech letech se znovu oženil. Ce dernier projet fit perdre tant d'argent aux actionnaires que le promoteur fut condamné à cinq ans de prison, peine qu'il ne purgea pas en raison de son grand âge (88 ans) et de son état de santé précaire. However, the technical difficulties of operating in the wet tropics dogged the project. The Suez Canal, measuring 164 kilometres in length, connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It was on this occasion that Gambetta bestowed upon him the title of "Le Grand Français". Print, portrait. Ferdinand, sentenced to five years in prison in 1893, died the following year, ten years before the Panama Canal was opened under the aegis of the United States. https://www.napoleon.org/.../lesseps-ferdinand-de-1805-1894-ingenieur He subsequently encouraged Major Roudaire, who wished to transform a stretch of the Sahara into an inland sea to increase rainfall in Algeria. Encouraged by the engineers' approval, Lesseps no longer allowed anything to stop him. S první ženou Agathe Dellamale (1819–1853), měl pět synů. Lesseps steadily endeavored to keep out of politics. Ferdinand de Lesseps was born on November 19, 1805, in Versailles, Yvelines, to Mathieu de Lesseps and Catherine de Grévigné. Ferdinand de Lesseps. V roce 1853 jej postihla tragédie v osobním životě, když manželka a jeden syn zemřeli krátce po sobě na záškrt. Lesseps was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1879. On television, Guy Marchand played Lesseps in the 1983 French/German mini-series L'homme de Suez, and John Walters portrayed him in "The Panama Canal", an episode of the 2003 BBC docu-drama series Seven Wonders of the Industrial World.[14]. The origins of Lesseps' family are traceable back as far as the end of the 14th century. The consolidation of interests which resulted, and which was strengthened by the addition in 1884 of seven more British directors, chosen from among shipping merchants and business men, increased, for the benefit of all concerned, the commercial character of the enterprise. Ferdinand, who was schooled at the Collège Henri-IV and then studied law, took up a career in the diplomatic … In October 1886, Lesseps traveled to the United States to speak at the dedication ceremony of the Statue of Liberty on the date of the 28th, and attended by President Grover Cleveland. While the vessel, in which Lesseps sailed to Egypt, was in quarantine at the Alexandrian lazaretto, M. Mimaut, consul-general of France at Alexandria, sent him several books, among which was the memoir written upon the previously filled and abandoned Ancient Suez Canal, according to Napoleon Bonaparte's instructions, by the civil engineer Jacques-Marie Le Père, one of the scientific members of the French expedition. Ferdinand de Lesseps est né le 19 novembre 1805 à Versailles. Ferdinand de Lesseps devient après ce succès l'homme le plus décoré d'Europe. Percé au milieu du XIXe siècle sous l’impulsion du Français Ferdinand de Lesseps, il permet aux navires d’aller d’Europe en Asie sans avoir à contourner l’Afrique. – La Chênaie, (Guilly mellett), Indre megye, 1894.december 7.) Plusieurs des fils de Ferdinand, nés de son second mariage, furent quant à eux des pionniers de l'aviation, comme Jacques de Lesseps (1885-1927) qui s'illustra pendant le premier conflit mondial, après avoir été, en 1910, le deuxième pilote à traverser la Manche. From the middle of the 18th century the ancestors of Lesseps followed diplomatic careers, and he himself occupied several diplomatic posts from 1825 to 1849. He attempted to repeat this success with an effort to build a Panama Canal at sea level during the 1880s, but the project was devastated by epidemics of malaria and yellow fever in the area, as well as beset by financial problems, and the planned Lesseps Panama Canal was never completed. At his side, Empress Eugénie accompanied Ferdinand de Lesseps, President of the Suez Canal Company, as he savoured his triumph. Ferdinand, vicomte de Lesseps , né à Versailles le 19 novembre 1805 et mort à La Chesnaye près de Guilly (Indre) le 7 décembre 1894, est un diplomate et entrepreneur français. Work was successfully completed in 1869. However the project ran into serious difficulties, principally of a diplomatic nature. Towards the close of the year 1837 he returned to France, and on 21 December married Agathe Delamalle (1819–1853), daughter of the government prosecuting attorney at the court of Angers. Lesseps had corresponded at least once with the Société d'Études du Canal de Suez during the reign of Abbas I in Egypt, but Abbas had closed off most of Egypt to foreign influence. Firstly in Constantinople, where de Lesseps attempted in vain to secure the approval of the Ottoman government in 1855, doubtlessly in view of the attitude of the English who were afraid the French might threaten the East Indies trade route. A Szuezi-csatorna építésének megkezdésekor ő végezte az első csákányütést 1859. Louis-Napoleon needed a scapegoat and Lesseps was an easy target. By this marriage de Lesseps became the father of five sons: Charles Théodore de Lesseps (1838–1838), Charles Aimé de Lesseps (1840–1923), Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps (1842–1846), Ferdinand Victor de Lesseps (1847–1853) and Aimé Victor de Lesseps (1848–1896). He met the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Geographic Society while touring the area. Le vice-roi d'Egypte permet à Ferdinand de Lesseps de donner le premier coup de pioche, à l'emplacement actuel de Port-Saïd, le 25 avril 1859. Ferdinand, viscount de Lesseps, in full Ferdinand-marie, Vicomte De Lesseps, (born Nov. 19, 1805, Versailles, France—died Dec. 7, 1894, La Chenaie, near Guilly), French diplomat famous for building the Suez Canal across the Isthmus of Suez (1859–69) in Egypt. Panama Fever: The Epic Story of One of the Greatest Human Achievements of All Time – the Building of the Panama Canal. Lesseps died at Château de La Chesnaye in Guilly, Vatan, Indre, on 7 December 1894. Sillón 38 de la Academia Francesa (es) Consul General of France in Alexandria (en) 1835 - 1837. In 1854, learning of the accession of Mohammed Said, an old friend of his, to the post of Viceroy of Egypt, he hastened to Cairo and obtained from the new sovereign “the power to found and head a universal company for the digging of a channel through the Suez isthmus and the operational development of a canal between the two seas”. He tried to negotiate an agreement whereby Pope Pius could return peacefully to the Vatican but also ensuring the continued independence of Rome. He listened to no adverse criticism and receded before no obstacle. In Paris on November 25, 1869—a week after the opening of the Suez Canal—Lesseps married his second wife, who was a third his age. From 1825 to 1827 he acted as assistant vice-consul at Lisbon, where his uncle, Barthélemy de Lesseps, was the French chargé d'affaires. Louise-Hélène Autard de Bragard was born on the island of Mauritius in 1848 at Plaines Wilhems and died on 29 January 1909 at Château de La Chesnay in Guilly, Vatan, Indre. [13], In addition, Manuel Soto played the part in a 1944 Spanish feature film, Eugenia de Montijo. Nevét a Szuezi-csatorna, majd a Panama-csatorna építésében vállalt szerepe tette ismertté. In spite of England, the Ottoman government, the Viceroy and the Canal company appealed to Napoleon III as arbitrator to settle their differences. Ferdinand de Lesseps (teljes nevén: vicomte de Ferdinand Marie Lesseps) (Versailles, 1805. november 19. A first scheme, initiated by Lesseps, was immediately drawn out by two French engineers who were in the Egyptian service, Louis Maurice Adolphe Linant de Bellefonds called "Linant Bey" and Mougel Bey. Lesseps went with his youngest child to Panama to see the planned pathway. However, the decision to dig a Panama Canal at sea level to avoid the use of locks, and the inability of contemporary medical science to deal with epidemics of malaria and yellow fever, doomed the project. The British press denounced the corvée which provided the necessary labour. A presentation of about a hundred drawings and plans from the State Secretariat collection. Ferdinand Marie, vicomte de Lesseps GCSI (French: [də lesɛps]; 19 November 1805 – 7 December 1894) was a French diplomat and later developer of the Suez Canal, which in 1869 joined the Mediterranean and Red Seas, substantially reducing sailing distances and times between Europe and East Asia. On croise en chemin, Ferdinand de Lesseps, l'impératrice Eugénie et Gamal Abdel Nasser. We now transfer to you, Mr. Minister, this great statue and trust that it may forever stand the pledge of friendship between France and the Great Republic of the United States. He was educated at the College of Henry IV in Paris. In 1832 Lesseps was appointed vice-consul at Alexandria. Ulterior, a condus și inițierea lucrărilor de construcție a Canalului Panama (1881–1894), afacere fără succes, soldată cu un scandal mediatic. Afterward, Lesseps declined the other candidatures that were offered to him: for the Senate in 1876, and for the Chamber in 1877. Il y fut reçu par Lesseps was accused of causing dishonor to the French army and was censured although he was not told to leave the Foreign Ministry.[4].
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