,thus%20performs%20a%20protective%20role%20in%20heart%20disease. It’s from the IUPHARMA database). After 5 minutes, apply 1 oral drop of ivermectin (200 μg of ivermectin) on the TONGUE. Or several of small tips, just increase the amount as you like (2x=â¬10; 5x=â¬25). Let’s hope MedinCell and Raoult’s IHU won’t team up for the next string of human experiments. “Exposure was defined as the prophylaxis viz., ivermectin and or/ (HCQ) and or/ vitamin C and or/ other interventions taken for the prevention of COVID-19. And it also contradicts these outstanding doxycycline claims from Iraq. This is not a competition as to who can outdo who. May the truth prevail, and may we see it when we find it. Hell no! It is considered an important therapeutic target in controlling the COVID-19 outbreak, since SARS-CoV-2 enters permissive cells via an ACE2-mediated mechanism. Yet it is worth noting what the common regimen was though, which was administered only to the two control groups but not to the four ivermectin groups: “common regimen based on Iran health ministry (Hydroxychloroquine 200mg/kg twice per day)“. Voir le profil de Eric Chabriere sur LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel mondial. Pr Eric CHABRIERE ( Thus your critique of HCQ, Ivermectin , both zinc ionophores . What can we do, life is like this. dÉcÈs dâadamou ndam njoya: lâudc dÉclare «irrecevable» lâhommage du sultan ibrahim mbombo njoya À son prÉsident Blood serum zinc and its transport across infected cell membranes is critical/key to our immune defense against this virus but also against some cancers and inflammatory and immunosuppressive diseases. It worked, didnât it? – UHPLC-UV/FLUO H-Class (Waters 2012) – Petites molécules et métabolites : identification et dosage de petites molécules par chromatographie en phase liquide et gazeuse (gaz permanents, acides gras, acides amines, pesticides, antibiotiques, lipidesâ¦), Biotypage : A) Makes me think thereâs a large chance Iâm wrong with my above comment and Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. That was enough vindication for him to feel outraged that the world does not drop everything and immediately put his latest brainfart into practice. Le personnel AP-HM travaille sous la direction de Pr Chabrière, . It is a mess. Every person reading this comment will be better suited to judge than me. As of January 15th, one week after Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Koryâfounding members of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)â along with Dr. Andrew Hill, researcher and consultant to the World Health Organization (WHO), presented their data before the NIH Treatment Guidelines Panel, the NIH has upgraded their recommendation on Ivermectin, making it an option for use in COVID-19. – Acknowledge there’s no good science yet and pitting it against HCQ is not useful Also, a terrible job of coordinating the barrage of information coming from journals. has no bearing on humans is analogous to urinating in a Petri dish Shill. Thanks everyone for contributing to this discussion. Has someone objectively looked into the data Dr. Pierre Kory says he has? And let’s take the rest we need, in order to see clearly. Muchas personas solo critican sin aportar algo útil a la solución de los problemas, este es un patetico ejemplo de esos âseudo intelectualesâ que solo sirven para criticar el trabajo de los demás, y sin vergüenza pide dinero para âapoyar su trabajoâ, escudado en la pantalla de un computador disemina información amañada fundamentada en valoraciones personales llenas de sesgos emocionales bajo el titulo âforbetterscienceâ, já, que irónico.. Pingback: Colchicine or Liquorice? Unless it can be proven that those seeking to find a solution to our current global health challenge do so for ulterior or sinister motives, we should refrain from such disparaging and cynical comments albeit in the guise of scientific correctness. Expect Kory any moment to publish his own life-saving clinical studies with ivermectin, just like Zelenko did with HCQ. Not that I wish to suggest that even Didier Raoult or Vovka Zelenko would ever engage in research fraud, gosh, perish the thought, how preposterous. 25% of worlds population of 7 billion people are deficient in zinc. al., 2010., Click to access covid19-and-real-science.rn3_.2.pdf, Now, you may notice it says “in vitro”. Cheikh Sokhna. My academic CV at: In Modi’s India, people are first forced en masse to take an alleged COVID-19 drug, then a study proving the drug’s efficiency is retrospectively supplied by some loyal scientists. I guess I’m out of my depth here. Zinc is a poison to this and other Corona viruses and some cancers. I just got triggered by the tone of your article, which I now realize is just the tone of your writing ð Which I appreciate, now that I know that it’s probably not covid-fatique-induced-cynicism. This is normally prevented by the blood bran barrier (BBB), particularly by the P-gp. What did the author ever invented himself? Veuillez vous connecter pour répondre; Aller au premier message non-lu; 17027 réponses à ce sujet #2806 Silhouette – For Better Science, Didier Raoult fraud: “Je ne regrette rien”, âCriaremos na Unicamp um escritório permanente de integridade em pesquisa para proteger a sociedade e o pesquisadorâ, afirma Mario Saad, Female Choice by Meike Stoverock: book review. Change ). By EJ Ledet and Dean Gano, The world needs reliable, objective assessment of antivirals. Pauline JACQUET, PhD | Cited by 212 | | Read 24 publications | Contact Pauline JACQUET French Confirmed COVID-19 patients were included in a single arm protocol from early March to March 16 th, to receive 600mg of hydroxychloroquine daily and their viral load in nasopharyngeal swabs was tested daily in a hospital setting.Depending on their clinical presentation, azithromycin was added to the treatment. * Each application consists of: Zinc is not a drug. ( Log Out / Kory and the FLCCC had an earlier brush with fame as early adopters of the Steroid treatment, and he was calling for steroids as indicated for all cases of COVID-19, of whatever severity. – BIOTYPAGE : recherche de marqueurs correspondant à des maladies par MALDI-TOF-MS Doctorâs Press Conference Drs. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Last Update Posted: October 19, 2020 I’m not a scientist, but to me it seems like the author is so tired of all the quackery going on around HCQ that he now dismisses IVM out of hand. Does he not see there may be a lot of benefit with IVM while the bad is virtually not existent? Leo Let’s keep an open mind, and be self-critical so we can identify our own biasses. Results: Ivermectin had significantly reduced the incidence of infection in health care and household contacts up to 2% compared to 10% in non-ivermectin group when used as a PROPHYLAXIS. Respectfully, They should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or be reported in news media as established informationâ. I’m curious if the fact that that PDF contains references to those studies is: Simone Gold, Bob Hamilton, Stella Immanuel, Dan Erickson, James Todaro, Joe Ladapo on the steps of Supreme Court, Washington DC talking about HCQ, Z pack and ZINC for Covid 19. The ACE-2 enzyme receptor structure is also dependent upon zinc. zinc as a bound metal which helps maintain the normal protein configuration/structure. Enter your email address to follow For Better Science and receive notifications of new posts by email. Most likely not. Leonid. Zinc is not a drug but a natural supplement. Are you familiar with the Zinc15 now Zinc20 formerly Zinc12, Zinc database? En mesurant la D.O (densit optique). Well, that is a bit unorthodox, but I don’t question beliefs. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Read our Article on âCOVID-19 and Real Scienceâ on Well thatâs your right/opinion. Can the same be said of Ivermectin. â¦â¦.. Actually, the outcome of a clinical study from Bangladesh which motivated the Chaccour team was also not that convincing: Ahmed et al A five day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness IJID (2020) DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.11.191. I realize now that coming in here with my views is arrogant because I haven’t done my due dilligence around this topic and you have. Electron microscope image of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing Covid-19 diseaseâimage made by the NIAID under licence Creative Common Attribution 2.0 Generic via Wikimedia Commons.. If you are interested to support my work, you can leave here a small tip of $5. 1:20-cv-00493-RJJ-SJB (W.D. An in vitro study was conducted to assess the impact of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) on cellular growth, morphology, cell viability, biofilm-formation activity, and growth-regulating substances of a soil bacterium., Here’s some more: I’m still a person that would recommend everyone reading the cornflakes package if it sais it contains the cure to covid-19. Is Frontiers a potential predatory publisher? After washing with 6 column volumes (cv) of 10 mM sodium acetate buffer, the enzyme was eluted by two linear NaCl gradients, 0â0.3 M in 30 cv; 0.3â1.0 M in 10 cv. – ARMSTRONG Nicholas (, Ingénieur : petites molécules et métabolites (GC/MS, LC/MS et LC-UV/FLUO), – COUDERC Carine (, Ingénieur : Diagnostic et développements Biotyper (MALDI-TOF-MS), – DECLOQUEMENT Philippe (, Ingénieur: Protéomique (MALDI-TOF-MS et  LC/MS), – PICAULT Luc (, Ingénieur : Diagnostic et développements Biotyper (MALDI-TOF-MS), – RICHEZ/PHAM-VAN Magali (, Technicien : petites molécules (GC/MS, LC/MS et LC-UV/FLUO), © IHU Méditerranée Infection – Plan du site / Crédits Look at this preprint from India from November: Behera et al Role of ivermectin in the prevention of COVID-19 infection among healthcare workers in India: A matched case-control study medRxiv (2020) doi: 10.1101/2020.10.29.20222661. La plateforme technique de chromatographie et spectrométrie de masse sâintègre dans la plateforme « Protéomique et analyse fonctionnelle des protéines »). EJ Ledet, Enoch, Pr Eric CHABRIERE ( Description : La plateforme technique de chromatographie et spectrométrie de masse sâintègre dans la plateforme « Protéomique et analyse fonctionnelle des protéines »).,,,, a cartoonist is criticising the work of a dr covid AT the frontline of the war against covid ! Death cult is what fascism is all about. The success of 200µg/kg ivermectin was determined by a somewhat obscure and undefined attribution of patients to “severe” and “critical” COVID-19 groups: Hashim et al, Controlled randomized clinical trial on using Ivermectin with Doxycycline for treating COVID-19 patients in Baghdad, Iraq, medRxiv (2020) doi: 10.1101/2020.10.26.20219345, “Ivermectin with doxycycline reduced the time to recovery and the percentage of patients who progress to more advanced stage of disease; in addition, Ivermectin with doxycycline reduced mortality rate in severe patients from 22.72% to 0%; however, 18.2% of critically ill patients died with Ivermectin and doxycycline therapy.“. The lowest mortality rate (0%), hospitalization duration (5days), and duration of low O2 saturatin [sic!] My suggestion to try a peer reviewed journal remains. All viral load data discussed show “trend”, i.e. leonid schneider twitter. If this in vitro data is all you base your belief on, I am afraid it is not good enough. ), but where does it become evident that Zinc is the drug to cure COVID-19? So the mystery why someone as unhinged and intellectually challenged as Chabriere could have become professor is lifted: The Army installed him. Réalisé par SITER, Plateforme Chromatographie et Spectrometrie de Masse, L’IHU Méditerranée Infection en 5 publications, Consultations en maladies infectieuses et de médecine tropicale, Centre de vaccination international et de conseil aux voyageurs, Les infections des pieds des diabétiques, Les diagnostics d’urgences (Point of care), Les Centres Nationaux de Référence (CNR), Les envois de prélèvements & les diagnostics, Catalogue dâanalyse et modalités d’envois des prelevements, Conduite à tenir lors d’une piqûre de tique, CR Maladies Vectorielles à Tiques de la Région Sud, La veille sanitaire internationale de lâIHU, Lâactivité de surveillance épidémiologique de lâIHU, Les Bulletins Epidémiologiques Hebdomadaires (BEH) de lâIHU, Modèles expérimentaux animaux d’infections microbiennes établis en NSB3/A3, Bulletin d’information scientifique de l’IHU. A stunning “73% reduction of COVID-19 infection among healthcare workers” in India! Argentina. ðð¤£ðððð. Respectfully, I could have saved us all some time by writing that. plus standard of care.“. Imagine what a cash cow we will be if they mange to win with their narrative that nothing can be done save for vaccines. Iâm sure there would be no lack of willing participants. Protéomique : Kory is “President of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC),” which is, at least to me, reminiscent of the “America’s Frontline Doctors” freak circus which had been pushing HCQ not so long ago. They sell drugs not zinc. Articles like this hinder the research on treatment options for this disease. I agree with the fact that good advertisement doesn’t mean good product. As this preprint from Prof Raoult institute is being circulating quite a bit, well I have to comment it unfortunately Para o Boulos eu prometi 35 referências, mas para vocês eu apresento 50. Heck yes. That does not at all sound like standard care, but at least there is no HCQ involved. The depth and variety of studies looks pretty convincing. Incidentally, I’m sure we’ll be thankful for all the lovely super-parasites and superbacteria that this Amazon river like flow of aantiparasitics and antibiotics will create. or the highly biased TrialSite web site. Might be that Drug Companies make money off selling drugs and promote donât promote the primary action of these zinc ligands. So the Bangladeshi ivermectin clinical trial claimed: “Clinical symptoms of fever, cough and sore throat were comparable among the three treatment arms. Take care everyone. Your generous patronage of my journalism will be most appreciated! – 1 MALDI-TOF-MS Autoflex Speed (Bruker 2016) â Eric chabriere (@EChabriere) November 20, 2020. The Brazilian federal government has helpfully supplied people with a phone app that belts out “preventive treatment” recipes based on age, body weight, and if you check that you had a headache or cough. In 2012, Perronne wrote in The Lancet, as reply to Chronic Lyme Disease sceptics: âPaul Auwaerter and colleagues 1 compare some Lyme disease ⦠Can someone please point out where his flaws are, if any? – GC-TCD (Perkin Elmer 2016) Le Diagnostic Clinique : identification de bactéries et organismes (Biotyping MALDI-TOF-MS) et dosage dâantibiotiques (UHPLC-UV). In Group B, 46.43% had symptoms that could have been caused by the medication, including 13(23.21%) mild blurring of vision and headache; 22(39.2%) increased lethargy and dizziness, 10(17.85%) occasional palpitation, and 9(16.07%) nausea and vomiting“. And of course, just like HCQ, ivermectin not only cures COVID-19, it also prevents it! You probably would advise me to invest time into studying the cornflakes packages, instead of actual research papers on sugar in diet? Some expert opinion: Thank you for your reply G. Momekov. The civilian Aix-Marseille University is not his real boss. âThatâs what we asked for from the beginning,â he says. [Healthcare workers] of AIIMS Bhubaneswar were advised for HCQ prophylaxis as per ICMR guidelines from 11th April 2020 in addition to the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) depending on the place they were posted.9 However, the uptake was not encouraging on account of known side-effect. Following this from the Spanish and Portuguese speaking worlds, it really seems that it “caught on” in places where use of Ivermectin was already common, including veterinary use in areas around cattle raising farms. EJ., Enoch, The most recent study by Perronne, from early 2020, claims to have developed a PCR detection technology for Chronic Lyme Disease., I especially like the Dr Z youtube because he does both: What the scientific value of all that is, is beyond my understanding, but it was sure fun for all involved, except probably the patients, but as always, there are many more where those came from. I am not against testing drugs against viral infections. Suggest you go to Big Pharma and ask them why Zinc15 precursor drugs in this database are called ligands, metal binders? A) an indication that everything in there is BS and/or Why is this scientist (even former) so closed minded? But neither do I think someone’s beliefs should be a base for any public health measure. In the Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromcyin [sic!] ), those same people are now endorsing the de-worming drug ivermectin, probably as a backup, or even better, in combination. Hereâs a list of other Ivermectin studies, with some data visualization, if anyone is interested. Nevertheless these flawed observational studies were considered as convincing evidence to justify distribution of hundreds of thousands doses of ivermectin as COVID-19 treatment. Among these, SsoPox is a hyperthermostable enzyme ⦠Patients and methods. On March 22, his colleague Eric Chabrière, based in Marseille, at the Institute of Infectious Diseases â directed by Didier Raoult â held a press conference on the national television channel RTL on a program entitled The Grand Jury, highlighting the results. 14 grams would be definitely deadly. Learn how your comment data is processed. Regards, Moreover, the decrease in hospitalization and low O2 saturating terms was significant in ivermectin treated 1-4 arms compared to the two untreated controls (P=0.006 and P=0.025 respectively). Precision expressed as %CV was in the range 0.2-17% (limit of quantitation). I want to add to my own comment that Iâve read more from and about the author now and this Mentions by language and countries. Many things, including urinating into a cell culture dish, will reduce the viral activity. Because with this attitude you simply can’t ever discover or invent anything of value. View the profiles of people named Eric Chabriere. Presently Ivermectin is touted as the âmiracle drugâ as espoused by Dr Kory , who co-incidentally is but one of a number of eminent health professionals forming the FLCCC, and who have called on governments and health bodies to study the data and research they have gathered on Ivermectin, and then possibly consider it as a therapeutic agent for Covid. Mr Ledet, 100% prophylaxis, although the protocol is too complicated. The analyses of the impact of these controversial policies have been performed by a business intelligence data analyst and an engineer, and of course not submitted to a peer review journals, but posted on internet sites. Le maximum d'absorption lieu 280 nm (W). Eric Chabrière Extremozymes have gained considerable interest as they could meet industrial requirements. Formerly molecular cell biologist. Thanks for your reply. Pending the lack of a peer-reviewed official publication of these data I may remain skeptic of such sources as a reliable, non-biased evidence for the efficacy of ivermectin, not to mention the hideous ethical issues. That he is taking it himself….if the doctors won’t help, what can be done? The findings of the Australian article may be absolutely correct in its own merit. Eric a 2 postes sur son profil. group (group B), 96.36% reached a negative PCR at a mean of 6.99days and were symptoms-free at 9.33days. I would never question anyone’s beliefs. Macchiariniâs trachea transplant patients: the full list, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Modello Trump - Ocasapiens - Blog -,,,,,,,thus%20performs%20a%20protective%20role%20in%20heart%20disease,, Colchicine or Liquorice? – 8 MALDI-TOF-MS Microflex LT (Bruker 2010-2012) Why not chemical castration (to escape COVID-19)? Please review my one page summary of CoV19 Problem, Significance, Causes, Hypothesis, and Solutions. Leonid Schneider is creating Independent Science Journalism. Basically, like the others, these Egyptian doctors compared ivermectin to HCQ: “600 subjects; 400 symptomatic confirmed COVID-19 patients and 200 health care and household contacts distributed over 6 groups; Group I: 100 patients with Mild/Moderate COVID-19 infection received a 4-days course of Ivermectin plus standard of care; Group II: 100 patients with mild/moderate COVID-19 infection received hydroxyxholorquine [sic!] Accordingly, the total reach of mentions is more than 1billion impressions. Many FDA-approved drugs that target zinc-dependent metalloenzymes are known to be coordinated to the catalytic active-site Zn2+ ion through a zinc-binding group (ZBG). (2days) was observed arm 3 with single dose of 400mcg/kg ivermectin.“. I guess for us non-medical people it’s also hard to understand why cheap over the counter medicine with little side effects and a large amount of doses already distributed isn’t prescribed preventively when there’s an indication that it might work. Kory, according to his Senate testimony, expects to be awarded a Nobel Prize for saving the world from COVID-19 and has everything sorted: the prophylaxis and the treatment protocol, which includes next to ivermectin also Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Quercetin, Melatonin and, Zelenko will be pleased, Zinc. Jana Jones, Mehdi Mirzaei, Prathiba Ravishankar, Dylan Xavier, Do Seon Lim, Dong Hoon Shin, Raffaella ⦠Common ZBGs include carboxylate-, sulfonamide-, hydroxamate- and phosphonate/phosphate-based functionalities, among others [37]. And s noteworthy observational trial (albeit also a preprint) that urged the Peruvian authorities unwillingly to stop the controversial mass treatment with bogus drugs including ivermectinâ¦. And a decrease in hospitalisation! I think this article was paid for by some Pharma. And by ‘we’ I mean everyone smarter than me – I mean YOU reading this ð. Preprint version 2, 16 Nov, 2020. A few resources indicating that zinc is important in inhibiting/ binding to enzymes via Zinc20 and IUPHARMA databases. Also note that these synthetic drugs never mention that one of their primary functions is to transport blood serum zinc. Excellent analysis, Both are symptoms of the fatigue that has set in around this pandemic. . For anyone interested, here’s the Dr Z youtube on this subject: Dr Z, you say? – PROTEOMIQUE : identification de protéines en mélanges complexes, évaluation de lâexpression des protéines (protéomique relative par label free), séquençage de novo de peptides.
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