Edges should be sharpened routinely to maintain a precise edge hold. Sunday 12pm-4pm CT, Chat With One Of Our Customer Service Reps, Sign Up For Sales, New Product Offerings & Deals. It’s a whole other world on the backside of that mountain. This is ideal for riders who spend a lot of time jibbing. Nous avons vu des applications similaires sur l'App Store pendant un certain temps, mais l'application iOS 12 Measure a été conçue par Apple et est livrée avec la dernière version d'iOS. Sind diese so lang, dass sie die Kanten des Boards verdecken, sollte man lieber ein größeres Brett wählen oder auf eine Wide-Variante umsteigen. So peep the information below but don’t forget to also think for yourself. This board type is also a great category for beginners to start with. 1. Dulling your edges for freestyle riding purposes gives the board less chance to hang up on the surface you happen to be jibbing but will be more difficult to turn on hard groomers or ice. Make sure to check out the manufacturers technical specifications for more details. The foot you place forward is most likely going to work best as your lead leg on a snowboard. Adventskalender Tür Nr. Comment régler son snowboard Nouveau vendredi, nouveau conseil tech : Youpi ! Welche Größe Freeride-Boards bei welcher Körpergröße und -gewicht ungefähr haben sollten, siehst du unten in der Größentabelle. Boards that feature hybrid cambers are still sized the same so don’t let that stop you. You never know, you could find a new favorite. Keine Lust auf die stressige Weihnachtszeit? This is another board type often used by beginners because of the low weight and forgiving flex of the board. Use the weight, height, and width sizing information within this reference guide along with the manufacturer’s tech specs to find the perfect flex for you. Comment faire pour déterminer Largeur correcte pour Fixations sur un snowboard Entre vous et votre snowboard sont les fixations, les mécanismes de liaison en plastique dur cavalier véhicule. Less edge contact means less hang up on the lips and landings. Heureusement, la mesure d’une teinte est un processus facile une fois que vous savez exactement à … Le sport existe depuis plus de 100 ans et offre l'aventure et l'enthousiasme que recherchent les amateurs de sensations fortes. Vous devez donc utiliser une balance lorsque vous voulez mesurer des grammes pour une recette, une Hole-patterns refer to the round, threaded metal insert holes that every snowboard features to secure your bindings to the board. Schließlich belastet ein schlaksiger 1,80-Mann das Board ganz anders als ein schwerer. Although the tip and tail might not be exactly the same, riders may ride switch in the park or pipe without noticing any negative effects. CURBSIDE PICKUP However halfpipe riders often need a stiff board for stability at high speeds. 2 - A 3 ou 4 cm près, on ne fait pas d’erreur majeure sur le choix de son snowboard. Email: contact form Geschichte Vorgeschichte … Mellow sidecuts, a measurement with a higher amount of centimeters, are found on boards with wider waists such as some freeride boards. Remember these guidelines are just a starting point; boards can also come in a combination of board types such as the all-mountain-freestyle models for a versatile ride with the playfulness of a park board etc. Once upon a time, women used boards that were constructed for men. __ There are those who carry the snowboard under their feet, and there are those who carry it in their soul. By sharing a bit of info, we hope to answer all of your questions. The longer length boards are good for powder and high speed. Directionals, Twin-Tips, Hybrids, Fishs und weitere Shapes sind so unterschiedlich wie Pick-ups und Kleinwagen. Quelle taille de snowboard choisir ? A common mistake parents make is buying an adult-sized board that they think their child can grow into. Deeper sidecuts, often depicted in a lower number of centimeters, are present on boards with narrower waists and have the ability to turn quicker and sharper with less effort. Comment choisir un Snowboard Quels que soient vos intentions pente côté, vous ne pouvez pas vous vraiment y arriver sans un bon équipement qui est dimensionné pour vous et votre niveau de compétence. A common mistake is to have too narrow of a stance. The answer can be considered ‘yes’ because beginners should use a slightly softer board with a shorter length for quicker progression. Larger sidecuts on the nose & tail provide large arcing turns and smaller sidecuts in the center of a board’s edge provide smaller arcing turns. Snowboarder während der Sprungphase. Nous vous recommandons de bien suivre les conseils de prises de mesure ci-dessous. 18: Gewinne einen One-Piece-Schneeanzug von Nikita. Check out the chart below, it’s a guide to the average snowboard length required for a given rider’s weight. 0 Comment Mesurer l’Ampérage d’une Batterie avec un Multimètre ? Women’s boards also tend to be a bit softer to accommodate a female’s thinner profile and lighter frame. Il est important de bien prendre les mensurations de son chien afin de déterminer la taille d’un vêtement ou d’un accessoire. Ein Freeride-Board sollte somit möglichst lang sein. Comment mesurer des grammes et des millilitres. This allows you to have more control over the board with less effort. Flex refers to the board’s ability to bend and twist when a rider applies and shifts their weight. Waxing should be done anytime the base of your board starts to look faded or dry. If there is one part of your edging that you should maintain regularly, it’s your contact points. At The House Boardshop, we want to help you find the gear made for you and your specific riding habits. It’s also always a good idea to read the manufacturer’s specifications for each deck because every board is designed for specific functions and each model can vary greatly. La mesure de votre écran Mesurez votre écran de télévision en diagonale. noir un blanc beige gris le rose le rouge marron bordeaux vert turquoise orange jaune lilas violet bleu bleu. Comment mesurer la taille d'une casserole Connaissant la taille exacte de votre casserole peut éliminer les erreurs et les dégâts dans la cuisine lorsque vous cuisinez. Obwohl im alltäglichen Leben sehr gut hinkommt, dass die Kleinsten mitunter die größten Schüsseln fahren, ist es beim Snowboarden genau andersrum. • Alignez les liaisons avec les trous de vis sur votre snowboard et de commencer à mettre les vis. Le multimètre est un appareil multifonctionnel très populaire dans le domaine électronique. Klar ist nur: Beides hat immense Auswirkungen auf die Kraftübertragung und somit auf die Größe des Boards. Tuning a snowboard also helps the board perform its best by increasing edging capabilities and should be done regularly. Anybody who says ski and board bums are lazy has never heard of split-boarding. Comment mesurer l'impact économique d'un évènement sportif ? Seit 1998 ist Snowboarden in mehreren Disziplinen olympisch. Mehr erfahren Check out our Snowboard Sizing and Experience Level sections of the Selecting Your Setup reference guide for more details. Multiple Sidecut boards are the SUVs of the snowboard world. Falls du nicht mehr interessiert bist, kannst du dich jederzeit abmelden. The rest of your base/edge is utilized, but some parts more than others. As long as your boots cooperate with the width of your board, you should be ok. Sizing a snowboard for the young guns is just as easy as the standard size boards. Freeride boards designed to man-handle the mountain and backcountry bowls are usually a bit stiffer than boards used in park or street setups. Ein Freeride-Board ist in der Regel länger als ein Freestyle-Board. A slightly longer board will help you keep that nose above the snow line, allowing you to float across the fluff at faster speeds. They will be able to bend the board easier, allowing them to perform properly. A variation of the 4×4 hole-pattern, the 2×4 arrangement offers more variety in your mounting options. Mit dem passenden Snowboard macht dieser fantastische Sport noch viel mehr Spaß. Freeride snowboarders like the rocker profile because they create a surfy feel in powder, allowing you to really slash and put up a wall of white like you’re riding the curl. 300 S Owasso Blvd E Mesurer le succès d’un projet se prépare dès son initiation. They’ve been tried and tested through decades of riding. Grundsätzlich kann man Snowboards in viele verschiedene Kategorien einteilen. Freestyle-Boards sollten schnell und einfach drehen, reaktionsfreudig sein. If you’re a true-spirited shredder, a hike-your-own-line kind of guy, then splitboarding might be your riding style of choice. Comment mesurer son chien ? Bei allen Empfehlungen und Berechnungen kann die persönliche Vorliebe eines jeden Riders nicht mit eingerechnet werden. You ride the tow-ropes like a champ, ollie the “closed run” ropes for freshies, and have made friends with all the locals. Heute: Die Thermoball... Keine Lust auf die stressige Weihnachtszeit? 1 - Une taille de snowboard s’exprime en cm (par exemple, lorsqu’on lit 155 sur un snowboard (ou parfois seulement 55), c’est que sa taille est 155 cm. D’abord en définissant ses grandes étapes, ses jalons clés et sa durée , comme référence et base de comparaison au cours du projet entre les prévisions et la réalité. Phone: 800-409-7669 If you think snowboarding should be done solely on snow, you’re most likely a freeriding fanatic. Strictly found within Burton’s arsenal of boards, the 3D hole-pattern offers just as good of stance options as the standard rectangular row of insert holes. Und dann wäre da noch ein wichtiger Punkt, der absolut niemandem weiterhilft: die eine richtige Snowboard-Größe gibt es nicht! Il est constitué d’un voltmètre, d’un ampèremètre et d’un ohmmètre. This profile has the forgiveness and butter-like characteristics of a rocker board, but with precise edging capabilities similar to that of a traditional camber. Rockered shaped boards have contact points near the middle of the snowboard, and Hybrid Camber/Rocker Combination boards can have contact points on multiple places along a boards effective edge. Tu te demandes comment faire ⁉️ voici un petit tutoriel pour t'aider! The formula is as follows: Your Height (in inches) X 2.54 X 0.88 = Your Recommended Board Length. Certains lacs auront des limites de taille de base sur la longueur, par exemple. These shorter length boards are good for beginners and freestyle riders. Boards made for freestyle riding tend to be on the softer side. Avant de vous expliquer en détail la démarche à suivre pour mesurer les pieds de votre enfant, nous allons vous faire un petit récapitulatif sur le changement de pointure. En optant pour une housse sur mesure, c’est comme si vous renouveliez votre canapé. If you want more details on these types of boards and others available, please check out the board type section of this reference guide. Use the weight, height, and width sizing information within this reference guide along with the manufacturer’s tech specs to find the perfect flex for you. An important note: if you buy a Burton board, keep in mind that you might need to buy specific Burton bindings with the proper disc to fit the unique hole-patterns as well. If your snowboard is too narrow for your boot size, a loss of edge control is certain to happen by means of toe and heel drag. Too narrow of a stance can also make turning and controlling your board more difficult. Mesurer un arbre avec un bâton – Figure 1 Avec un bâton de même longueur que son bras et que l’on tient par la base, étendre le bras vers l’avant. Powder Camber Profile Shaped boards offer a great ride both in and out of powder. Noter cet article. With that said, use the chart below as a guide to find the average snowboard length required for a given rider’s height. If you would like to know more about these snowboard construction details, refer to the appropriate section of this reference guide. Freeride boards are most often directional shaped boards but could also be a directional twin shape. A snowboarder shopping for boots is usually looking for a good fit, flex, and looks. If you do this, you are only going to make it harder on your child to learn and progress in the sport of snowboarding. Nous sommes allés à la rencontre de Loulou Mauranx et Alexis Krieg, deux figures du snowboard à Tignes, pour qu’ils nous donnent tous leurs conseils pour bien choisir votre matériel.Suivez le guide ! Welche Länge zu welchem Gewicht empfohlen wird, siehst du in der Tabelle weiter unten in diesem Artikel. Si elle est identique ou supérieure à la largeur du snowboard, vous The goal is to have the most freedom possible when choosing a stance setup. This design offers more holes placed vertically on the board, which are all spaced an equal two centimeters apart. While trying to stay in your snowboard size and weight ranges, look into a board that is suited specifically for the type of riding you do most or would like to improve upon. Even so, people have been sizing snowboards by height alone since the beginning and will probably continue to do so forever. Height is probably the first measurement that comes to mind when thinking of choosing a snowboard length, but it might not be the best sizing method on its own. Powder Rocker combination board are great for doing powder butters and even riding switch in powder. Quelle taille de snowboard choisir ? FLEX : Oriente-toi vers un snowboard rigide adapté aux personnes avec un bon niveau et/ou une bonne condition physique. By now you know the type of board you need and the relative size it should be, but do you really look at the technical specifications to see how they can improve your overall abilities? To help you figure out what type of riding style you have and what board type you need, each of the categories are described below. There are several types of Profile Shapes, all with their own purpose to help improve a rider’s performance. On pourrait penser que mesurer son pénis est quelque chose de facile et naturel pour un homme. Allerdings ähneln die Allzweckwaffen eher den Längen der Freestyler als denen der Freerider. Pliage les genoux Support avec les jambes et les pieds les bra pour bilan les main pour bilan aussi It’s been a couple seasons now and you’re ready for more. This riding style is common among riders who are fortunate enough to have legit mountains to ride or happen to get a good amount of snowfall in the area. __ Hay quién lleva la tabla bajo los pies, y hay quién la lleva en el alma. Find your favorite combination and get after it. Comment mesurer la largeur de Snowboard Fixations Montage des fixations sur un snowboard est quelque chose qui est pas très difficile à faire et donne les cavaliers expérimentés la chance d'expérimenter avec When a rider straps into a cambered board, the board flattens out on the snow and creates an evenly applied pressure to the edges. Klar ist nur: Beides hat immense Auswirkungen auf … There are a few different tricks you can do to help determine your stance. Quelle taille de snowboard choisir ? Now it’s all about fine tuning your already advanced skills so you can have the most fun possible. A few different companies have offered a sliding insert system over the years with the same goal in mind. Snowboard-Größe und Gewicht. Schließlich belastet und verformt ein schwerer Fahrer das Board deutlich stärker als ein leichter. Pour mesurer le courant électrique à travers à l'aide d'un oscilloscope, attachez des sondes de mesure avec des résistances de valeur connue au système ou circuit électrique que vous souhaitez mesurer. As an intermediate rider, you can now start to hone-in your skills towards a style of riding you like best. Wir haben über 300 Snowboards bei Blue Tomato. Verschiedene Längen auszuprobieren ist somit unumgänglich. L'application Mesurer vous permet de mesurer la distance entre deux points et les dimensions de certains objets. Experiment with several combinations of each subject to find the perfect board to make your session righteous. Please refer to our Snowboard Sizing section of the Selecting Your Setup guide for details on each of the necessary factors involved with choosing a proper snowboard. Le snowboard est très certainement l'un de ces sports d'hiver extrêmes. If you’re someone who likes to ride hit big kickers and huck like mad, adding an extra bit of width to your stance may be helpful when trying to maintain control in the air and when stomping tough landings. Each company has their own name for their snowboard profile combinations and each profile has its own specific purpose and function. Each style of hole-pattern has their pros and cons and they should all be considered when shopping for a new board. __ Il y a ceux qui portent le snowboard sous leurs pieds, et il … Snowboards that fall under the all-mountain board type can have various board shapes and camber profiles. With slider systems such as Burton’s Channel system, riders are offered the opportunity to make very fine-tune adjustments to completely customize their stance. Recettes spécifient souvent la taille de la casserole que vous devriez utiliser. This is a great option for someone looking to be able to make some minuscule adjustments to their stance setup. Riding style and snowboard type are important variables in the snowboard sizing formula. Mode Fréquencemètre : il mesure la fréquence des signaux AC Il peut être utilisé pour mesurer la fréquence en cas de dépannage d’un équipement électrique et électronique. Take it off jumps in the park, have fun in the pipe, blaze groomers, and even get buried in a fresh dumping of powder. We encourage you to try our online chat for live, real-time access to one of support specialists, or contact us here. Keine Sorge, mit den 24 Gewinnen aus dem MBM Adventskalender überstehst du auch die schlimmsten Familienfeiern. The entrances and exits of turns have the exact same arc, meaning if the Radial Sidecut is centered on the board a carve could become a perfect circle with enough speed. Freeriding is snowboarding at its core and will always be a huge part of the sport. Be sure to check out the technical specifications for each board because it varies from company to company, model to model, and year to year. The extra ability to flex makes it easier to control your board at slower speeds for technical maneuvers. Your weight is the most important factor in determining board length. Ainsi, en plus de mesurer la résistance d’un conducteur ohmique et l’intensité du courant électrique, il permet de mesurer une tension électrique. Comment mesurer le diamètre de votre haut-parleur ? We have provided you with a few of the more common options below. Freeride Board. Freestyle riders who spend most of their time in the park or in the street tend to use sized-down boards for a more skate-inspired style and feel. While this formula may seem like the absolute answer because it involves numbers, math and a bit of homework, it doesn’t mean you’re stuck with the number you get as a result. Snowboard Profile Shape  refers to the base shape of an un-weighted board on a flat surface. Réaliser un test PMA sur route ou sur home trainer pour déterminer votre PMA, établir vos zones d'entrainement et mesurer votre progression. Every board has a precisely calculated sidecut radius designed for a specific purpose and function. A traditionally cambered board has a smooth arch underneath the middle of the board that comes down and touches the ground near the tip and tail when no additional weight is applied. Zudem bestimmt dein Fahrer-Level ausschlaggebend die richtige Länge. Start looking at things like sidecut, profile shape, fiberglass, and carbon/kevlar bars. A longer board could reach from your nose to just over your head. Boards that feature this shape also tend to have the binding inserts set back closer to the tail end of the board so your body weight is correctly distributed for a fast and powerful ride through deep pow. Other companies may also produce Burton compatible binding inserts to accommodate your setup selection. Die Wahl der richtigen Länge ist ausschlaggebend, ob du auf dem Snowboard Spaß haben und schnell Fortschritte machen wirst oder ob du einen Haufen Geld in das falsche Objekt investiert hast. 4 X 4 And don’t forget about your own personal preference, a key ingredient in the recipe for a perfect snowboard. Achat-ski vous aide à choisir la taille de snowboard idéale en fonction de votre type de pratique : Snowboard freeride, snowboard freestyle ou snowboard polyvalent Imaginez que, dans le ski, les tailles vont de 8cm en 8cm, il ne vaut mieux pas se tromper ! If you would like to know how to wax your own snowboard, check out our How to wax your snowboard information in the How-To section. Directional twin consists of a nose and tail that are different in construction. While sacrificing the ability to turn on a dime, boards with a shallow sidecut float easier on powder due to the added amount of surface area. Thanks for your patience, as it may take longer than usual to connect with us via phone. It won’t affect your ability to keep up with your friends necessarily; it just gives you a little extra time to regain control before taking a nasty spill into the woods. Think of sidecut as your ability to turn at a given rate by simply applying your board’s edge into the snow. The edge your feet are pointing towards is the “toe edge;” the edge behind them is the “heel edge.”. Comment la planche est fabriquer Composants Comment les matériaux sont instalés Le «snowboard» Comment ont fait de la planche a neige Les bases Dans qu'elle type de montage ont peux pratiquer ce sport Deux types de compétition Le «halfpipe» Le «slopstyle» Fin. Jusqu'à l'âge de 2/3 ans, un enfant change de pointure environ tous les 3 mois, cette donnée peut-être plus ou moins variable en fonction des enfants, mais il est quand même très rare d'échapper à la règle. A longer board will also provide a stiffer board response for added stability. Comment mesurer la notoriété de votre marque ? These are very vague guidelines to live by and not as accurate as some of the other methods available, but still a solid rule of thumb that many riders like to implement into their board buying decision. À ce moment, mettre un marqueur juste en dessous de vos pieds. Try both heel and toe edge garlands. Diese Faktoren beeinflussen die Snowboard-Länge: Du brauchst neue Outerwear, Boots oder Accessoires? Hi ha qui porta la taula sota els peus, i hi ha qui la porta a l'ànima. Ein kurzes Board ist einfacher zu drehen und benötigt weniger Power des Fahrers. For the pipe jerks, park rats and back-alley street cats, your riding style falls into the freestyle category. The war of skiing verses snowboarding is over. Couleurs populaires. If you can see some faint white lines or patches, especially near the edges of your board, it’s time for a wax. Read our full Privacy Policy as well as Terms & Conditions. Most 3-Stage boards fit within the all-mountain freestyle and freestyle genre of snowboards. Und auch die Schuhgröße des Riders ist nicht uninteressant. There are several kinds of wax, all with their own abilities. The added length to the nose gives you an edge when riding powder and a stiffer tail will create more stability when riding at higher speed. Comment mesurer une taille de cadre de vélo. 24 septembre 2012 22 2 DÉMARCHE D’ÉVALUATION DE LA DÉPENSE VISITEURS (2) L’évènement attire sur le territoire des individus très différents en termes de PROFILS , Gardez en tête que ces tailles sont données à titre indicatif : à 3-4 cm près il n’y a quasiment aucune différence. Soft flexing boards are ideal for tweaking tricks in the park and pressing handrails due to their ability to bend with ease. The board type is directly related to your riding style. If you’re still learning how to link turns, you’re a beginner. Having a stance width less than your shoulder width will reduce your ability to balance. And a softer flex will allow you to tweak those tricks for proper style and steez. Deshalb greift man bei Boards für den Park eher auf kleinere Shapes zurück. Accessibility Support: contact form Having a board that cooperates with your body weight will allow you to ride your best and not have to worry about losing control. Veillez à mesurer la longueur de vos boots, puis comparez-la à la largeur indiquée sur chaque description de produit pour un snowboard dans les spécifications. Now slap those bindings on and test it out, you can always make adjustments. The 4×4 hole-pattern means that the inserts are spaced an equal four centimeters apart vertically and horizontally from one and other. True twin, also known as twin tip, means that the tip and tail are identical. l'hiver printemps l'ét é l'automne. Und auch wenn diese Gleichung nicht gänzlich falsch ist, geht sie nicht in allen Fällen auf. It’s the perfect design for adventurous types that have the determination to tackle untracked slopes. A  toeside  turn is more manageable than heelside turn because the toeside edge tilts with foot/ankles flexion and extension movements. If you’d like to start spending more time lapping the park and dialing-in hits on those boxes, a Freestyle board on the lower end of your board size range is standard issue for almost all park rats. Mesurer un vélo avant d Riding powder is a big deal, especially if you don’t get to do it often. For the curious adventurers of all that is shred, this is definitely your category. Pretty much, if there’s snow, it’s good-to-go. Pour mesurer de façon efficace le diamètre de votre haut-parleur, il faut veiller à vous servir d’un instrument précis qui fonctionne correctement, afin d’être sûr que votre mesure est fiable. Once again, it is personal preference, but below are a few guidelines to live by when deciding on a new board that has the right flex for you and your riding style. Use the skis to climb up and through some newly found terrain, then reattach them together and shred your line back down on a snowboard. It is still the most popular camber style and will probably be around forever. The completely flat shape is implemented from near the tip to near the tail and is a versatile design. Play enough video games and eventually you will really believe you can snowboard, fly a plane, drive a nine-second quarter mile, or kill a man. The egg shaped arc makes the transition into turns smooth and the exit out of turns aggressive. Für den Park braucht man jede Menge Skills, weshalb reine Anfänger lieber bei den Größen der All-Mountain-Boards schauen sollten. Riding fast is a crucial component of a successful powder run, and Powder Flat combination board tend to float through snow while keeping the nose afloat and sinking the tail for epic slashes. True shredders go a bit further than that and actually pay attention to detail. A board made from two separate pieces that detach into a pair of skis is like a backcountry rider’s dream. __ Il y a ceux qui portent le snowboard sous leurs pieds, et il … Und den gibt es wiederum durch Auflagefläche. sablier rectangle poire une pomme triangle inversé colonne élancée. Since there are specific riding styles, there are also terrain-specific boards to match. Si tel est le cas, je vous recommande vivement de ne pas vous contenter de mesurer le taux d’engagement pour étudier les performances de votre stratégie de communication sur les réseaux sociaux et de vous pencher aussi sur le taux de conversion. En jouant suffisamment on finit par croire qu'on peut faire du snowboard, piloter un avion conduire une voiture de sport ou tuer quelqu'un. Lese unseren Buyer's Guide, damit du das beste Board für deinen Style findest. Doch Vorsicht: Manche Freeride-Boards sind ungewöhnlich kurz, da sie sich den Auftrieb durch viel Breite holen. Si vous remarquez un nombre inhabituel de mentions négatives Most shops offer board waxes for relatively cheap, but you can also wax your board yourself. With a nose and tail with the exact same flex patterns and measurements, riders can have complete confidence in their board when riding switch. If you decide you want to take a few laps in the park before winding your way through some woods runs, you might just be an all-mountain maniac. Vous devez aussi avoir l'équipement approprié. The feel of a snowboard is heavy determined by the board’s shape. A lighter rider who gets too long of a deck will have a tough time maneuvering and flexing the board. If you live in the Minneapolis / Saint Paul area we offer curbside pickup of your order, Simply select PICKUP at checkout. A boot's primary function is to transfer the rider's energy into the board, protect the rider with support, and keep the rider's feet warm. Die Regel ist somit: Je schwerer der Pilot, desto länger sollte das Gefährt unter den Füßen sein. En fonction de votre niveau et de votre pratique, le tableau ci dessous vous permettra de choisir une taille de snowboard adaptée. C’est une question que je reçois assez souvent. The freeride riding style category encompasses riding from blazing groomers to plowing through a pile of pow in the backcountry. A freeride board at the longer end of your size range is a solid choice and will hold up nicely in the deep. Diese Tabelle ist eine Snowboard-Größenempfehlung für All-Mountain-Boards.
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