While we can guarantee and provide proof that everything is working from our end, we cannot guarantee that you will be successful. Download the Huawei P40 Pro installation files here > DOWNLOD FILES HERE. The installer has easy to follow instructions for installing the GMS as well the Google Apps on your Huawei or Honor phones. Non, merci Accéder au profil. En savoir plus sur notre politique de confidentialité If … So, follow the guide below and see how to install Playstore in Huawei P40 Pro in simple steps. As such, the company’s phones do not come with Google Play installed. Your willingness to do the steps below is also necessary. Download the ZIP file (link at the end of the article) with everything you need. Es que ta récupérer aussi Google play et les autres services Google avec phone clone, Non impossible d accéder aux services de Google. In this article, we explain how to do this. Select Activate when prompted with a notification and click Allow. The most crucial step is to be able to download all the files needed for this process. 4 Simple Ways to Install Google Play Store on Huawei P40 Pro. As proof, here are some screenshots of our Huawei P40 Pro with GMS installed. Il existe une solution. Huawei Mobile Services on mobile devices has become the new norm. We scoured the internet to look for the best process to install GMS on our Huawei P40 Pro. In the tests performed, the Play Store could be loaded to P40 Lite, Mate 30 Pro and Huawei Y7p in this way with Chat Partner. Alors que avant impossible d ouvrir. Pas moyen de faire fonctionner YouTube sas Google play.... Il n'est pas trop tard, rejoignez la communauté ! Pour installer Google Mobile Services (GMS) sur les smartphones Huawei HMS, vous avez besoin de: Un smartphone Huawei sans Google Apps (l’un de … How to Install Google Play Store App on Huawei or Honor HMS Phone like Huawei P40, Huawei P30, Huawei Mate 40, Honor 9A, Honor 10X Lite, etc. By the way, the Google apps are just apps that can be downloaded off the net, so in this article How to Install Google Play Store on your Huawei P40 Lite mobile in One-Click. Simply press home or swipe up if you’re using gestures. Apk pure ne marche plus avec mon phone. POCO X3 Pro and F3 Debut with Jaw-Dropping Prices! Bienvenue sur le Forum d'aide, entre utilisateurs de Google Play. Mais avec APKpure je réussi à télécharger toutes les applications sans aucun problème, oui , apkpure cherche sur internet l'application est apres tu va trouvez plusieur app dedans. Disregard Ice Box and tap the one with the Chinese characters. install-google-play-huawei-p40. Download the app from the link at end of article. We’ve grown to love it, and managed to use a smartphone without Google Play services. Guide d’installation de Google Play Store sur les smartphones Huawei Étape 1: exigences. Auteur d'origine. The solution, paradoxically, is found in a simple application. 94. After this, you need to uninstall Google Play services. Clear cache and data and uninstall each and everything that starts with Google. Cependant, si vous avez atteint cet article parce que vous avez un Huawei P40 Lite et que vous êtes dans cette situation, vous devez savoir que dans les cinq minutes, vous aurez les services Google sur votre mobile ainsi que toutes les applications que vous souhaitez installer. How long would everything take? No problem there. Still, if you want to install the GMS or the Google Play Store, there might be some ways. Même YouTube ? La procédure fonctionne avec n’importe quel smartphone Android, mais elle n’est utile que sur les smartphones Huawei sans application Google tels que: Huawei Mate 30 Pro, Huawei P40 Lite, Huawei P40 Lite E, Huawei P40 Lite 5G, Huawei P40 Pro, Huawei P40, Huawei P40 Pro +. This guide works with all the recent Huawei phones (P40, P40 Lite, P40 Pro, etc.) It is recommended to delete any pre-existing Huawei folder on the root directory of your USB OTG before moving the Huawei folder you just extracted. Vous dites que des conneries sérieux aucune des applications et disponibles pour la télécharger donner de bonne source ou taisez-vous merci. Go to Settings > System & updates > Backup & restore > Data backup > External storage > USB … En tant que mot de passe que vous utilisez: firlando234 (également indiqué comme astuce de mot de passe). Move the Huawei folder to the root directory of your USB OTG. How to Install Google play Services in huawei Nova 7i Install Google Play Store Services in Huawei Mobiles Install Google Play Store in Huawei P40 Pro ,P40 and Pro Plus. Que faire? What we did above is we used an app called an offline version of LZ Play (Blue icon with G logo and Chinese characters). This is normal. Once this is done, you will see 2 new applications: Ice Box and another one with Chinese characters. Vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification de vos données personnelles, ainsi que celui d’en demander l’effacement dans les limites prévues par la loi. Below is the simple ways to install Google Play Store on Huawei P40 Pro. Go to, After uninstalling it, go back to APKs folder and install. Bonjour, j'ai également fait l'acquisition d'un Huawei P40 lite, j'ai réussi à récupérer beaucoup d'application en utilisant Phone Clone, par contre impossible d'installer Netflix... Installer googlefier c'est simple et sans pc tu installe via ton navigateur internet et tu obtient tout les services Google et le playstore, Bonjour j'avais le même soucis et je suis passée par APKpure où j'ai pu télécharger les appli que je voulais (waze, wattsap ect).. et ça fonctionne bien !OUffff, here is the latest method to install GMS on Huawei, Bonjour, il faut installé trouvapp et une fois sur cette application tu pourras télécharger apkpure qui es équivalent à Google play, Bonsoir, j'ai pas mal de soucis mais j'arrive à combler certains trous grâce à une application que j'ai téléchargé sur internet qui est assez fiable c'est aptoid elle est, Pétal search est excellente j'ai pu récupérer toute mes app de mon ancien Samsung même. Since its return to the Philippine market back in 2018, Xiaomi has already established a diverse community of users in the country, and has... realme Philippines updated price list XDA TV‘s TK Bay recently published a video about getting Google Play Services on the Huawei Mate 30 … Whether your device froze or not, we will need to install. ... Huawei p40 lite E. Utilisateur Google. Now follow the step to step guide below in order to install Google apps on Huawei or Honor Phone: First, use this tool and enter your model number to figure out if this tool will work on your Huawei device. Now all you have to do is open the Play Store and log in with Google. Do not close the application just yet. You’ll receive a server error. Founded in 2009 by Gian Viterbo, Gadget Pilipinas is one of Philippines’ top sources for news, tutorials, reviews and tips about the latest trends in technology, gadgets, games, social and digital media and cyber culture. We posted about the best ways to maximize your Huawei device on this link, and to this day, I still wouldn’t mind rocking a device without GMS. Close. Head over to your Huawei device and using the file manager app, install all the six apps that you … bonjour je vient d achete mon telephone huawei p40 lite et je n arrive pas a installe google play certaine de mes application ne fonction pas sans sa.. merci d avance si je peut avoir une astuce facile. Khelifi Elkhames. Paradoxalement, la solution se trouve dans une application simple. But there is a problem. Google Installer 3.0 is the latest version that lets users download and install Google Apps like Google Play Store , Gmail, Google Chrome, Google Calendar, Google Maps, and more on Chinese Android phones. Huawei P Smart S has been launched and released in the markets. Étape 3: installez les applications Google If looking for Install Google Play Store on your Huawei P40 Pro devices then there is a simple guide designed for the Huawei P40 Pro users out there. Heureux de vous avoir aidé ! Once you’ve … share. Installez Google Play et plus. We will be happy to assist you. Sauf erreur de ma part le p40 lite n'est pas équipé de Google Play. Ignore this by simply for restarting the device by holding the Power button for 10 seconds. hide. Second, download Googlefier APK on your Huawei Phone. save. Repeat steps 9 to 22. Install Google Play and more. In HiSuite, click on “Restore” and on the popup window, click “Edit” and navigate the folder picker … If your answer is a resounding “Yes”, proceed. 15 comments. Download the files with your Huawei P40 Pro and watch the video tutorial below for how to do the installations. That problem is what I will try as much as possible to solve in this post. Clear Cache and Data. Huawei a récemment sorti le Huawei P40 Pro et la grande nouveauté c’est qu’il débarque sans services Google. Bonjour, je l'ai installé par cette méthode, vous pouvez jeter un oeil, Bonjour peux tu m envoyer les liens en mp s il te plaît, Bonjour peux tu me renvoyer le lien s'il te plaît...il ne fonctionne plus, Bonjour, puis je avoir le lien direct svp car il n'y a rien en lien. You will notice that the required files are being processed, and seemingly awaiting for the next steps. Vous nous appréciez ? Moi netflix j'ai installé hier c'est bon ça fonctionne ! Around 15-20 minutes of your time. However, some of our readers have been requesting us how they can still install GMS on their new Huawei P40 series smartphones. Do not transfer the Huawei folder to the root directory of your internal storage. Go back and uninstall it (Google Service Framework). C'est quoi le lien pour avoir playstor sur mon Huawei p40, https://forum.frandroid.com/topic/276026-trouvapp-une-app-tres-pratique-pour-votre-huawei-mate30-prop40-series/, https://www.phonandroid.com/forum/threads/installer-les-services-google-sur-un-huawei-p40-lite-en-1-minute.203891/, Comment installer netflix sur huawei p40 lite, Must work on all Huawei devices without GMS. We will do our best to explain each step and what you should do in case you mess everything up. ... Taken on Huawei P40 Lite, edited in Lightroom. Quelqu'un sait-il comment installer le service Google sur ce téléphone? Evaluez Comment Ça Marche, 65492 internautes nous ont dit merci ce mois-ci. see full image. Now that everything is in order. Huawei or Honor smartphones usually come with powerful internal hardware, especially when we talk about their flagship phones like Huawei Mate 30 or Huawei P40.However, due to the ongoing war between Huawei and American companies, Huawei has so far lost official Google support for official system updates as … 5. Je me suis rendu a donné se téléphone à ma fille car la plus part des applications que moi j utilise ne sont pas disponible comme mon line qui me sert à correspondre avec mes amis du monde entier... empires and puzzles mon jeu que je joue depuis 2 ans et demi.... smule truc de musik.... et plus leur autre... le p40 lire peut être un très bon téléphone performant mais pas pour moi il reste un téléphone inutiles pour l'instant le p30 lire reste le meilleur compromis... mais pour l'instant du ma réception je suis reparti sur mon vieix téléphone Samsung Galaxy s7 edge.. le temps que je soit sur de ne pas être dessus du Huawei.... Oui effectivement, le téléchargement se lance mais lorsque je veux ouvrir le lien du téléphone un message d'erreur s'affiche. Pouvez vous m'aider ? Bonjour, je viens d'acheter un p40lite 5g et j'aimerais réussir à avoir plus de fonction comme l'application de ma fitbit et le chromcast. If you still have any queries, you can reach out to us through the comment section. Thanks to Android’s open-source nature, we can continue to have the Google experience we got used. While it’s currently “processing” files, we will now proceed to the next steps – install the files. Super merci beaucoup c'est bon pour messenger. Here are the steps that you need to do. I didn’t understand the logic either, but for some reason, this step saved the day and got rid of annoying notifications. Right on schedule, ASUS launched the new ZenBook 13 OLED and ZenBook Duo 14 in the Philippines bringing the POWER of MORE with top-notch... Introduction Do not miss this important step. Installer aptoide ils ont pratiquement tte les application sauf YouTube qui beug encore, Normalement vous devriez avoir une application appelé "petal searsh" sur cette application vous pouvez installer certaines applications ou vous pouvez aussi installer apk.pur c'est comme Google play mais avec moins de fonctionnalités et d'applications mais beaucoup son la, https://s.cloud.huawei.com/app/home#commonhash=search-input&showbar=false&hid=645011, Bonjour, vous pouvez installer les services Google play sur l'application "aptoide" une application qui se trouve sur internet. Comment installer les apps sur Huawei P40 series? Discussion. So far, we managed to replicate these steps on our Huawei P40 Pro and another device we will name within the week. Go to to APKs folder in your internal storage and install all APK files labeled (1) to (6). Xiaomi has announced the newest additions to its lineup of gaming-focused smartphones. If you have any queries regarding the above procedure, do let us know by leaving a comment below. Then, click the blue button with Chinese characters twice. Mais en effet Netflix impossible sans Google play... Allez sur apkpure vous pouvez installer tout les applications presque, Moi j'ai su avoir Netflix en l'envoyant de mon ancien téléphone, https://s.cloud.huawei.com/app/home#commonhash=. Hint is 2! Download the Huawei HiSuite on your computer and then search for the Google … Again, we’re talking about USB OTG here. Step 1- Install Google Services with the backup method of Backup LZ PLAY and Install Apks. Dans l'écran suivant, vous sélectionnez restaurer. Click Storage. We needed to make sure that it’s working so we had to reset our P40 Pro, mixed and matched the right processes, carefully followed steps and became successful without any issues. In this Php 50k gaming pc build guide, we will be limiting ourselves to hardware that's almost readily available in the market. The most crucial step is to be able to download all the files needed for this process. How to Install Google Play Store on Huawei P40 series! Ils n'ont qu'à nous laisser télécharger nos applications comme avant a cause de ça je n'ai plus accès à l'appli qui me permet de pointer mes heures au travail.... Génial le nouveau téléphone.. Pareil pour moi.il abuse sérieux a ne pas nous le dir. Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage. If your answer is “No”, read our other articles instead and use your awesome Huawei device with a working HMS. It's very simple, it's just 10 steps and it works. If it loads properly, we need to uninstall Google Play services again. Will AMD finally be able to overtake Nvidia in this segment? Bonjour, je viens également d'acheter le P40 lite. Suivez ces 10 étapes et vous retrouverez le Play Store et YouTube sur … However, if you have reached this article because you have a Huawei P40 Lite and you are in this situation, you have to know that within five minutes you will have Google services on your mobile as well as all the applications you want to install. We spoofed it to process something. This guide is also useful to install Google Apps on Huawei devices. . After the backup & restore is … Yes you can use for Huawei OS with it. We've spotted several PC stores that thrived during the pandemic and we feel that they deserve more recognition. Get Google Services on Huawei devices via Chat Partner App. This is indeed a problem for many who are accustomed to google apps. Install the Play Store APK files on Huawei P40 Pro and Mate 40 Pro. Applications, Android, Résoudre un problème. Now you have to tweak the setting of your Huawei phone in order to external apps on your phone. At this point, I want you to try and wait for it to work. Elles seront également utilisées sous réserve des options souscrites, à des fins de ciblage publicitaire. Détails. Lorsque vous sortez le Huawei P40 Pro de son emballage, aucun service Google n’est installé. J'ai acheté un nouveau Huawei p40 lite, mais je ne peux pas utiliser le Google Play Store sur ce téléphone. Go to. Let's find out. So this was the quick tutorial to download and install the Google Play Store (GMS) on Huawei P40 series. Avec ça j'ai pu installer netflix, réseau mistral... Les applications que je ne pouvais pas avoir avant. Tap on the app with the big letter ‘G’ (with Chinese characters) then select Activate or Allow. Comment installer Google Play Store sur les smartphones Huawei HMS Ahead of the March 26 launch of the OPPO A94 in the Philippines, the company kindly lent us a unit to experience its latest... AMD has set its goals high as the RX 6700 XT faces both the RTX 3060 Ti and the RTX 3070 for the 1440p crown. We followed each step and were successful in installing GMS to prove that it works. Bonjour, J'ai acheté un Huawei P40 et j'ai pu récupérer la plupart de mes application soit par phoneclone soit par app gallery. This is a list of the products that are currently being sold by realme Philippines in the country. There is information that Huawei Mate 30 Pro users who want to install the Play Store using Chat Partner are facing the “Not Certified” warning. IF THIS GUIDE IS TOO DIFFICULT OR DOESN’T WORK, YOU CAN CHECK OUT BELOW ALTERNATIVE GUIDE ON HOW TO USE PLAYSTORE WITHOUT A GOOGLE ACCOUNT OR SERVICES. You don't even … Here is a guide on how to install Gapps and Google Play Store on all the latest Huawei P40 series smartphones, including the P40 Lite and P40 Pro. At this point, you will notice that your Huawei device will or might freeze. Download Google Installer V3.0 APK to install Google Play Store on your Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, Poco, Redmi, and other Chinese devices. This is normal and it is crucial to follow this step. Parce que même avec tout ça. Extract all the files, and put everything to your USB OTG. If you want a productivity notebook that performs well, is extremely compact, elegant, and premium, ASUS' ZenBook lineup is one of the usual choices... OnePlus has officially announced the OnePlus Watch – its first smartwatch alongside the OnePlus 9 series. Merci, J'ai réussi à installer Messenger en le téléchargent via l'application TrouvApp. The smartwatch features a round stainless steel body... OnePlus has officially launched the OnePlus 9 series - OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro. Connect your USB OTG to your Huawei device. This should be the first time you’ll open this application. The problem is that the phone does not have google play store on it. A working internet connection, a USB OTG drive (Type-C) that you can use on your Huawei device and a separate PC to download and transfer files to your USB OTG drive. Note: Make sure to register your current device ID with Google. Retry 3 times. How to Install Google Play on Huawei. Unzip the files. As Huawei is still on the US Entity List, it means that the company is not allowed to do business with Google. ... accédez aux Préférences de notification sur la page de votre profil. Là, vous choisissez l'ensemble de données de sauvegarde «7. Answer this question: Am I willing to take the risk? Open Google Play Store. Photography. The official YouTube app for Android isn’t available on the latest Huawei devices, there is a workaround.
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