Occupation: Actor: Years active: 2012-present: Antoine Reinartz (born 1985) is a French actor. He has won an César Awards. The mayor of Lyon, Paul Théraneau, is in a delicate position. Theater. Antoine Reinartz at the 43rd César Awards, in 2018. Nathan, a newcomer to the group, is shocked by Sean, a radical militant who spends his last breath fighting. The daily life of a school located in Saint Denis. After 30 years in politics, he is running out of ideas, feeling like an existential emptiness. Police chief Daoud roams the city in which he grew up. His nuanced per­for­mance earned him the César Award for Best Sup­port­ing Actor. Two years lat­er, he returned to the Croisette with Arnaud Desplechin’s Oh Mer­cy! 3,448 Followers, 729 Following, 34 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Reinartz Antoine (@antoinereinartz) 2019. (2019). All Movies of Antoine Reinartz. “As an audi­ence mem­ber, it makes me feel good to see some­thing that helps me to grow.” A grad­u­ate of the Paris Nation­al Con­ser­va­to­ry, Antoine Reinartz graced … (2019). Alain, a successful Parisian publisher struggling to ... Paris, the early 1990s. The daily life of a school located in Saint Denis. He's known for BPM (Beats Per Minute) (2017), Non-Fiction (2018) and Oh Mercy! When Myriam, the mother of two young children, decides, despite the reluctance of her husband to resume his activity in a law firm, the couple is looking for a nanny. In 2017, he took on the film role of Thibault, the activist and con­tro­ver­sial Act-Up pres­i­dent dur­ing the worst years of the AIDS epi­dem­ic in Robin Campillo’s BPM, pre­sent­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. A group of young activists tries to fight general indifference to AIDS. Daoud and Louis will be confronted wi... Set in the Parisian publishing world, an editor and an author find themselves in over their heads, as they cope with a middle-age crisis, the changing industry and their wives. He will next appear in Lau­rent Cantet’s film Arthur Ram­bo and Samuel Theïs’ Petite Nature. School Life. Born: 1985. Antoine Reinartz . He's known for BPM (Beats Per Minute) (2017), Non-Fiction (2018) and Oh Mercy! To overcome this, Paul hires a young and brilliant philosopher, Alice He... Christmas night in Roubaix. In 2019, the actor has also starred in Nico­las Pariser’s Alice and the May­or, Grand Corps Malade and Meh­di Idir’s School Life and Lucie Borleteau’s Per­fect Nan­ny, in which he played an over­worked father and Leïla Bekhti’s hus­band in this adap­ta­tion of Leïla Slimani’s nov­el. Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the Fes­ti­val’s guest tal­ents! “As an audi­ence mem­ber, it makes me feel good to see some­thing that helps me to grow.”. He has won an César Awards. A grad­u­ate of the Paris Nation­al Con­ser­va­to­ry, Antoine Reinartz graced Euro­pean the­ater stages (Swe­den, Italy…) for two years. Antoine Reinartz . Nomeny, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. The Perfect Nanny. He returned to France to per­form along­side Romane Bohringer in David Greig’s play The Events, direct­ed by Ramin Gray. This time he played Louis, a waver­ing new police lieu­tenant fac­ing a sor­did and chaot­ic real­i­ty. Antoine Reinartz. Before return­ing to stage, he is cur­rent­ly shoot­ing Nona et ses filles for Arte, the first series direct­ed by Valérie Donzel­li. Burned-out cars, altercation... At the station, Louis Coterelle is the new arrival, fresh out of the academy. © 2020 - Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville, Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville.
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