", "The National Front's economic programme upsets Mrs Parisot: we understand her! [32], Le Pen expressed her approval at the results of a Swiss referendum of 28 November 2010, when voters approved a popular initiative to deport foreign nationals convicted of crimes, describing the result as the "great victory of the Swiss people against the ruling elite". [33][34], On foreign policy, Le Pen supports the establishment of a privileged partnership with Russia,[24] and states that Ukraine has been "subjugated" by the United States. ", "Contre la corruption, un nouveau partenariat pour l'Afrique", "Ivorian crisis: exclusive interview with Marine Le Pen (page 6)", "Ivorian crisis: exclusive interview with Marine Le Pen (page 7)", "Marine Le Pen's questions to the European Commission", "Subject: EU sanctions against Côte d'Ivoire (parliamentary questions)", "Kagame en France : un double scandale ! [133], Le Pen has described the Front National as a "patriotic" party with more in common with the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and its "opposition to the totalitarian character of the EU and its desire to remove people's sovereignty" than with the British National Party (BNP). [93], Marine Le Pen claims that "while Africa struggles to find the ways of growth and thus future prosperity, while starvation or disease decimate millions of innocent souls, while skillfully maintained conflicts discourage the most dynamic and talented African elites, French-African relations are marred by an unforgivable misdemeanour: corruption". [15], During a press conference in June 2011, she called for the reintroduction of the Havana Charter and the establishment of an "International Trade Organization" to replace the World Trade Organization, in order to reform the world trade exchanges. [25] Signed by 53 countries and rejected by the US in 1951, the Havana Charter was a trade agreement that would have established an international currency known as the bancor. She has opposed the migration of French Jews to Israel in response to radical Islam, stating that "the Jews of France are Frenchmen, they're at home here, and they must stay here and not emigrate. Former president of the Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF) Laurence Parisot strongly criticises the FN's economic and social programme often. Il a débat... Les sujets sécuritaires pourraient être au cœur de la présidentielle de 2022. [79] Quoting extracts from a book by French economist Alain Cotta, she claimed that devaluation of the franc would not bring about inflation. The situation in Russia is complicated, and one cannot expect all the problems stemming from the collapse of the Soviet Union to be quickly resolved – they require time. [20], She is a vocal critic of the Euro and calls for France to leave the single currency, claiming that the adoption of the Euro caused prices to rise, and leaving the Euro would lead to an increase in purchasing power. She thus advocates the abolition of the IMF. [144], About the situation in Libya, she expressed the view that the conflict was a civil war in which France's interest was not to interfere. [19] She has called for a referendum on France leaving the EU. Sans éluder évidemment le scrutin présidentiel de 2022, l’homme fort d’EELV se présentant comme alternative au duel annoncé entre Emmanuel Macron et Marine Le Pen. It was reported that instead she wants to unpick the EU bloc from the inside, promoting what she calls “a union of national states”. She said that "the only reasonable way lies in a close relationship between the European and African continents, because development of the African continent will break the migratory stranglehold which threatens us and enable the two continents to live their own identities in peace, security and prosperity". Around 9,000 migrants had travelled to Lampedusa by boat since protests in Tunisia began in mid-January 2011. [citation needed], Le Pen opposes the repeal of the 1975 Veil Law (French: Loi Veil). ", "Privatization of the French Post: Marine Le Pen's position", "Delicate European summit for Chirac and Jospin", "France's Marine Le Pen's Tea Party Embrace a Percolating Issue on the U.S. [30][114][115] She considers the construction, maintenance and funding of places of worship to be a matter for groups of worshippers operating within a regulated framework. [145] One month after the beginning of the conflict, she claimed that France was "mired in the 'vote-catching war' of Sarkozy". [136][137][138], In a statement about the 2011 Norway attacks, Le Pen expressed her condolences to the Norwegian people and her "determination to fight mercilessly against all forms of violence and barbarity". In her view, "the federal headlong rush also supposes a massive financial transfer of our countries towards Southern and Eastern Europe, to the detriment of the most vulnerable French people". [83] In July 2011, she claimed that "after the seventeen billions of the first Greek bailout plan, the fifteen billions of the new assistance plan to Greece will load [France's] own already huge debt". [75][76] She also criticised amendments made to the treaty by the EU leaders,[77] which she viewed as aimed at "solving the euro" and "forever eliminating the budgetary sovereignty of the states to institute a kind of supranational European monetary fund". She claimed that the departmental status of the island would require the end of the jus soli brought in by Minister of Overseas François Baroin in 2005, and the implementation of a 'French first' policy in the granting of welfare support.[131]. [30][109] She has called for the "separation of the mosque and the state" and opposes the training of Imams by the French republic. [123] However, she rescinded the party's traditional support for the death penalty with her February 2017 campaign launch, instead announcing a policy of life imprisonment for the most serious crimes. [61][62][63] She has blamed these rises on the liberalization of the European energy sector since 1996. [105] In July 2011, she criticised the UMP government for allocating 203,000 residence permits in 2010, an increase since 2000. Le ministre de l’Intérieur, Gérald Darmanin, affronte jeudi 11 février la présidente du Rassemblement national (RN), Marin... Jean-Christophe Lagarde, député et président de l'UDI, était l'invité des "4 Vérités" de France 2, jeudi 11 février. [116][117][118], In February 2010, Le Pen criticised the fast food chain Quick, after it announced that eight of its franchises would offer exclusively halal meals,[119] in what Le Pen described as an "accelerated policy of Islamisation". Denouncing a "sharp fall in deportations since the beginning of 2011 after a decrease of almost 5% in 2010", she claimed that "most of the detention centres are almost empty in 2011", and called for the deportation of all illegal immigrants in France to their country of origin. She also favours policies aimed at increasing the birth rate. However, she has commented that abortion is a serious moral issue that she feels is too often regarded as trivial by French society. [3][4][need quotation to verify] Marine Le Pen has also relaxed some political positions of the party, advocating for civil unions for same-sex couples instead of her party's previous opposition to legal recognition of same-sex partnerships, accepting unconditional abortion and withdrawing the death penalty from her platform. "Marine Le Pen ahead of Macron's centrist party, say French exit polls", "Brexit 'most important moment since Berlin Wall': Le Pen", "Reform of the French Post's statute: a serious undermining of the public utilities", "European Parliament resolution on Turkey's progress report 2008 (explanations of vote)", Marine Le Pen: Ukraine's association with EU – best option, "France to ditch NATO, embrace Russia if National Front comes to power", "Protections at boundaries: how to revive industry and employment ? Marine Le Pen est une femme politique française, candidate à l'élection présidentielle 2017 pour le Front national, dont elle est présidente. ", "The winning countries are those which will leave", "Irresponsibility of Sarkozy who involves France into the way of excessive debt", "European summit: Again 109 billions of euro of public money which will be spent for nothing! She claimed that in 2010 France had paid 1.355 trillion euros of accrued interest on loans at a time when the national debt represented around 1.650 trillion euros. Emphasizing her differences from Wilders, she said: "That's the difference between Geert Wilders and me. [85][86] In a press conference in front of the National Assembly on 6 September 2011, she denounced the approval by MPs of the second Greek bailout plan. [9] She supports economic nationalism,[10] the separation of investment and retail banking,[11] and energy diversification,[12] and is opposed to the privatization of public services and social security,[13][14][15] speculation on international commodity markets,[13] and the Common Agricultural Policy. [97][98][99][100] During a press conference in Rome on 15 March 2011, she said the situation in Lampedusa showed "the helplessness of the EU" and how "each nation is more efficient at dealing with the issue", and proposed some solutions. Déçus, de plus en plus d'électeurs venus de la gauche, qui avaient été séduits par Emmanuel Macron ou avaient voulu faire barrage à Marine Le Pen au second tour, en 2017, rejettent à présent le "front... Dans un point presse tenu mardi 9 mars, Marine Le Pen a présenté son projet de référendum sur l’environnement. Impossible d’y échapper depuis une semaine, les ténors de la majorité se déploient, partout, pour attaquer la candidate du Rassemblement national. In her view, this law is the reason for the growth in national debt. Présidentielle 2022 : y aura-t-il un front républicain de la part des électeurs de gauche ? ", "European politicians react to Swiss minaret ban", "Marine Le Pen's official statements about the Roubaix Quick", "Marine Le Pen's statement about abortion in, "Clarification about Marine Le Pen's statements (Lie n°2 about euthanasia)", "France's Marine Le Pen quietly pledges to end same-sex marriage", "Marine Le Pen opens the new programme of France 2 (sequence "pure politics" with Fabien Namias)", "Marine Le Pen's plan to make France great again", "Security, sovereignty: the architects of the collapse do not have to celebrate the Appeal of June 18", "FN Congress in Tours : Marine Le Pen's opening speech", "Marine Le Pen on ACI TV (first West Indian TV in France)", "Exclusive: how Marine Le Pen chats up the prefects", "The Caledonian flag must be the one of France ! [87][88][89], It was reported in May 2019 that Le Pen no longer wants France to leave the euro currency.
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