MN really should feel qualified enough to have an opinion on the credibility of such a source, and to desist from amplifying him. If it is true that the French Army is operating the IHU, that would also explain why Raoult is untouchable as well. Chabriere addresses Cohen by his overtly Jewish last name to equal his journalism to that of Radio Paris, a Nazi propaganda station from the time of German occupation during WWII. En s'appuyant sur l'experience des marins pompiers, on pourra répondre scientifiquement à cette question et peut être procéder à leur réouverture. Le pauvre Chabriere,il aura eu son 1/4 d’h warrolien en pensant s’attaquer sans aucune preuve à. And because Chabriere knows I am Jewish, he now tweets his antisemitic Holocaust jokes about me. See and and for backgrounds about this publication. Sauf erreur de ma part, je n'ai pas noté de communiqué de vous ou de l'INSERM à ce sujet pour confirmer ou infirmer. I keep seeing this pattern: people who make false claims in one field have a tendency to make false claims in others. Cette personne est incroyable, Pr Gilles Pialoux : «On dit beaucoup que les jeunes sont en souffrance, mais il y a eu moins de suicides en 2020 qu’en 2019 […] On a trop fait du confinement le mot interdit» dans, Surmortalité en Israel, What Proxis was investing in with Chabriere’s company, is a mystery, because it can’t be any lucrative know-how or technology: Gene & Green TK generated merely €170,000 turnover in 2015, and its capital in 2021 is €11,134, €12,371, pardon, €23,035! But the author of that thread believes in a full house of conspiracies: anti-semitism, Pearl Harbour, 9/11, Bill Gates and now Covid. Healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) affects approximately 5 million people each year in Europe with an estimated cost of €13–€24 billion, and an attributable mortality varying from 50000 to 135000 cases [].In the United States, the annual rate of HCAI was estimated at 1.7 million cases, with 99000 deaths and an economic impact of approximately US$6.5 billion., — George Monbiot (@GeorgeMonbiot) February 5, 2021, Little by little…, — Gus McLean (@StopCoronavir12) February 4, 2021, — Gus McLean (@StopCoronavir12) February 5, 2021. for the ugly thruth about Yardley Yeadon, also named Michael Yeadon, one of the 22 authors of the so-called “External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results”. Projecting his own toxic attitudes onto others is very typical of Chabriere: below he used the occasion to share a disgustingly racist old cartoon, while accusing someone else of racism (Pierre Tattevin, president of the French Infectious Diseases Society, who criticised chloroquine as COVID-19 medicine): Sharing such a cartoon on Twitter, while IHU is parading Black students to thank Raoult in front of cameras, is the equivalent of smearing walls of a synagogue with swastikas while mumbling that someone else is a Nazi., Chabriere and his followers now got me banned from Twitter again. I was told he worked for a while at AFMB (headed by Bruno Canard)“. According to this article, Lieutenant Chabriere used to work in the Armed Forces Health Service Research Center (CRSSA), where they specialise on nuclear, biological and toxicological warfare. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Enter your email address to follow For Better Science and receive notifications of new posts by email. Principalement avec la MEPHIBOX Professeur biochimie So the mystery why someone as unhinged and intellectually challenged as Chabriere could have become professor is lifted: The Army installed him. The Aix-Marseille University remains utterly silent and chose not to deny Chabriere’s public claims, all my emails were ignored, except of Chabriere’s replies, probably on behalf of the university with “lol”. Well, they even admit it in the sponsor listing, look at the 3rd partner at the right-hand side: Are there additional cash flows via strawman business investments? Ca devient fou totalement ! ( Log Out / Not enough for Chabriere: he equalled Barraud to the mass murderer of Metz, Francis Heaulme (who also killed children): The Aix-Marseille University was informed by whistleblowers already in November 2020, its president Eric Berton announced to deal with the matter. Sure, there is still Big Pharma cash coming in, including from the chloroquine maker Sanofi. “Normally a professor would think that you are useless as a freshman,” Elias said. Some people have a military status, others are civilians. Voir le profil de Eric Chabriere sur LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel mondial. This is why Raoult, the Napoleon of the coronavirus campaign, was issuing medals. C’est Eric Chabrière, biochimiste et membre de l’IHU Méditerranée Infection, qui a mis le feu aux poudres en écrivant sur Twitter : « Le Pr Raffi du CHU de Nantes reconnaît être l’auteur des appels et SMS malveillants auprès du Pr Raoult. That minuscule IHU spinoff sold for €10 million last month? But he goes after every clinician who disagrees with Raoult’s chloroquine panacea. In the following QAnon inspired tweets, Chabriere seems to toy with the idea of actual executions for all enemies of Raoult. There are political connections: the former president of Aix-Marseille University, Yvon Berland, is a personal friend of Raoult and now local politician who once campaigned to become mayor of the city. Still, Raoult’s long-term collaborator and friend Bernard Davoust is a veterinarian in the Army officer rank of a General, affiliated with IHU, and apparently also connected to the Catholic Talibans of Opus Dei. Therefore, there is no secret funding of the IHU by the French Army and Chabriere has no link between the agreement signed by the IHU and the SSA. Jun 20, 2020 - Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19 coronavirus from Wuhan, China. I am locked out for 12h again. Quand on veut, on peut, L'article sur les tests salivaires en 10 min est en ligne. His tiny startup at IHU, Gene & Green TK, may be scientifically not impressive (consisting of 4 people, of whom 2 are founders and 3 are employed), but it was recently sold for €10 million (according to Chabriere) to the wastewater cleanup family business Proxis Developpment. Eric Morillot n'a pas peur des polémiques. Recall that also the Brazilian military are big fans of chloroquine and are literally killing for it. Les defamed prennent leurs desire pour des réalités, onn'est pas encore dans leur monde totalitaire, Berenbaum parle de vous La fabrique du consentement. There are also personal friendship links between Raoult and some military people who worked for many years in Marseille (such as Christophe Rogier, who was a young assistant at IMTSSA in the 1990s and worked at the Central Direction of the SSA when the IHU was created or Dominique Baudon who published an “article” to support HCQ”, Only Didou can combine Edith Piaf and General De Gaulle in one character: Remember, a couple of years ago, IHU lost all financial support from CNRS and INSERM because of Raoult’s bullying, nepotism, research misconduct and cover-up of a sexual harassment case. But that would never suffice alone, and yet IHU is financially doing well. "Les revenus de la startup (qui compte 5 collaborateurs, NDLR) sont déjà équilibrés", précise Eric Chabrière. The Mr Bean comparison was funny, but Chabriere also equalled Veran to the bloodthirsty dictator Pol Pot, whose regime murdered at least a quarter of the Cambodian population. Raoult himself is known to have a military fetish, his father was an army doctor and a high-ranking officer. Elisabeth Bik declare avoir travaillé dans cette société de Novembre 2016 à décembre 2018. tous le monde y a eu droit, même Didier Raoult en catcheur huilé Aux côtés de deux journalistes, ils forment les Incorrectibles et sondent leur(s) invité(s) qui ne pratiquent pas la langue de bois. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They seem to be fighting an infowar for the virus, and you will see the military comparison is rather apt! Whether any of that scientifically makes sense or will ever work in practice, is not relevant: when generals invest into something, it is enough that they believe in it. Their disinformation warfare with chloroquine and other quack cures, with Captain Chabriere fighting on the forefront, brought many nations to their knees and killed many people worldwide. Il y était question de donner à connaitre aux gens la vérité sur les conflits d’intérêt” de certains membres du personnel médical français et de leurs liens avec Big Pharma, multinationale de l’industrie pharmaceutique. Maybe because Raoult, Chabriere and others at IHU convinced the army generals that their Marseille institute is France’s only bastion of defence against Islamist attacks with chemical and biological weapons? We used shell-vial assay with a medium that buffered rifampin to isolate routine culture–resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria from cerebrospinal fluid and rifampin-containing intervertebral disc and vertebral corpus of a patient in treatment for Pott’s disease and disseminated tuberculosis. I can’t rely on shilling for Gilead alone! Of course he started with Raoult’s magic combo of chloroquine (now hydroxychloroquine) and azithromycin. Israël présenterait une forte hausse de la surmortalité lors des deux premiers mois de 2021, ( données officielles du Bureau central de statistiques) The SSA malaria lab is here ( and the virology lab is here If you are interested to support my work, you can leave here a small tip of $5. Macchiarini’s trachea transplant patients: the full list,École_du_Pharo,,,,,,,,, Didier Raoult fraud: “Je ne regrette rien” – For Better Science, Didier Raoult fraud: “Je ne regrette rien”, “Criaremos na Unicamp um escritório permanente de integridade em pesquisa para proteger a sociedade e o pesquisador”, afirma Mario Saad, Female Choice by Meike Stoverock: book review. Didier Raoult‘s Institut Méditerranée Infection (IHU) in Marseille, France, is the epicentre of scientific infodemic disinformation warfare. named Kedge in order to sell Kedge’s students some Master of Health Innovation degrees. Eric Chabrière, professeur de biologie physique à l’université Aix-Marseille, a mis au point le premier spray contre les armes chimiques. It seems, Chabriere recognised this, and, being morbidly obsessed with the Third Reich, reacted in his own way: Well, I was told that tweet was aimed at Karine Lacombe, a clinical researcher critical of chloroquine. How else can a company with a tiny capital and an unimpressive turnover pay him an extra salary? Change ). This is the game Chabriere play with his threats on Twitter. ⏭️Encore une fraude de notre microbiologiste national détectée sur une jolie palette de couleurs par Famous, Félicitation à la société POCRAME issue de l'IHU qui a réalisé un très bon chiffre d'affaire en 2020. Blogroll. Second, Chabriere seems to be bringing in money, from surprising sources. Independent Science Journalist and Cartoonist. So, people tried to implement their activities in other locations: some in Lyon, others in Paris and some in Marseille. Everyone who disagrees with the chloroquine magic is equalled by Chabriere to Pol Pot’s murderous regime of Khmer Rouge: And of course Chabriere also harasses women, he enjoys calling his thousands of far-right followers to witchhunts against female critics of chloroquine (sometimes even wrong people get targeted, their names and postal addresses posted on Twitter, accompanied with Chabriere’s misogynous slurs). Let us see what makes Chabriere (and Raoult) so untouchable. Les procureurs ont déclaré que la fraude s’était déroulée de fin 2015 au début de 2019, Je réaffirme qu'E Bik m'a demandé de manière répétée de l'argent. ; Nick Brown's blog Blog by data thug Nick Brown; Riddled A site where Smut Clyde and others blog about strange science and other issues; PSBLAB Blog by Paul S. Brookes, scientist and whistleblower; Neuroskeptic Discover Magazine Blog by Neuroskeptic As you can see, the public result is that Chabriere not only continued and went full antisemite, he even openly threatened to sue all these whistleblowers for libel (he mentions the IHU lawyer Brice Grazzini, which lets one assume the legal retaliations on behalf of Chabriere and Raoult are paid from IHU research funds). My academic CV at:, Apropos of nothing, here is another French covidiot who peddles quack cures like Vitamin D and just happens to be an MP of Assemblee Nationale. In the worst case, there will be cushy jobs waiting for them in Russia, just like for Chabriere’s PhD mentor. This is also why Captain Chabriere is so cocksure of himself: as someone who works on chemical weapons, he is not only unsackable, he is untouchable. The site’s fans like cungegonde1944 use this connection to deny antisemitism charges, for example when attacking Peiffer-Smadja. Of Lieutenant Chabriere’s 1999 PhD thesis from Grenoble only the abstract is available online, the supervisor listed there is Masson’s collaborator, Juan Fontecilla-Camps. "j ai le rapport de l ile de france le taux c est 51%" Challenged with that, Chabriere replied by email with: “lol”. And French military is involved. Tiens tiens, intéressant quand même non ? Une personne dans cette situation, outrée, lui a envoyé un message en lui disant ce qu’il en pensait. Another message from a reader with inside knowledge: “At the very beginning, the SSA [Service de santé des armées] was not involved in the IHU project but the IMTSSA closure pushed these two labs into the Raoult’s arms. Science journalism by Leonid Schneider, on research integrity and academic publishing in life sciences and biomedicine. A propos de cette commande d'hydroxychloroquine, il me semble que le médecin militaire de la division militaire de l'IHU Emilie Javelle avait publié peu avant quelques petits éléments ici …. Chabriere’s Twitter account looks like a parody of a classic angry COVIDIOT. ⚠️RETWEET MASSIF⚠️, ACTUALITÉS DU 22 MARS 2021 Pingback: Didier Raoult fraud: “Je ne regrette rien” – For Better Science. Chloroquine / IHU Méditerranée Infection : interview du Pr Éric Chabrière, collaborateur du Pr Didier Raoult par Le Canard républicain (son site) mardi 24 mars 2020 Ce qui dit l'EMA sur l'Ivermectine dans la covid : La santé en France, c'est le carnaval tous les jours. Samir Tighilt 33 ans, chef d'entreprise "Je voulais une vie normale", explique Samir Tighilt, 33 ans, pour résumer sa success story. Avec ce système, il n'y plus de garde fou (politiques, experts ou citoyens) pour contracter avec les entreprises pharmaceutiques. It was followed by ivermectin, Vitamin D, most recently colchicine and now… homeopathy. Speaking of murderers. The epidemiologists moved to a barrack in Marseille and created the CESPA ( In the 2000s, for many reasons, the SSA decided to close three of these centers and to gather them in Bretigny/Orge to create a new entity called IRBA. In this regard, it might be important to remind that Chabriere is officer at the French Armed Forces. I don’t know why he left the CRSSA (maybe because of the CRSSA closure, maybe because his contract has not been renewed) and how he joined Marseille., — Sunder Katwala (@sundersays) November 22, 2020. for the ugly thruth about Thomas Binder, another author of this publication. As you can imagine, people working in Marseille were not very happy to have to move near Paris, especially that the new IRBA was not functional yet when the IMTSSA was closed. Pr Didier Raoult: «Je ne regrette rien» C'est un mensonge grave ! Pitié éteignez la télévision, Pr Djillali Annane (AP-HP): "En deux mois, la moyenne d'âge [des patients en réanimation] a baissé de presque 10 ans", Xìao Truxån Mēltopoulios & Anastasia Générale. Chabriere can spread covidiocies, peddle quack cures, attack women and Jews any way he likes exactly because he, just like Didier Raoult, has the French far-right politicians, bigoted academic elites and in particular the French Army behind his back. La seule solution proposée dans l’urgence pour faire face à la diffusion du virus Sars-cov-2 a été dans de nombreux pays des “interventions non pharmaceutiques” ou mesures de restriction sociale... Actualités BonSens N° 2021-12 du 22 mars 2021 -, les données patients de l'IHU par tranche d'age I think you give to much importance to Chabriere who is probably a second couteau, ie an obedient puppet as Raoult loves. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Look at the first author of these two relevant papers, Gendrot et al Antimalarial drugs inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2: An in vitro evaluation (2020) and Gendrot et al Chloroquine as a prophylactic agent against COVID-19? Basically, the man who calls everyone a Big Pharma shill is personally part of the military-industrial complex and making nice money off death. Maybe the IHU trolls also convinced the French Army that chloroquine was the miracle cure against the coronavirus pandemic? […] After all, if the suspicion is right and IHU is indeed largely military-funded, they don’t exactly advertise for it. Your generous patronage of my journalism will be most appreciated! Elias, who is French, is Chabriere’s former PhD student: “Chabrière, who at the time was a professor at the University of Lorraine, offered Elias a spot in his lab — an unusual opportunity for a first-year student. Soit c'est de la bêtise, soit de la malhonnêteté. If you wonder now: was Masson maybe a Russian agent who defected, well yes, it certainly looks like this. One reason might be that Peiffer-Smadja is Jewish, and his last name makes it perfectly clear. The chloroquine / hydroxychloroquine cure for COVID-19 was postulated by Raoult in early 2020, promoted by his IHU, and became a disastrous national pandemic policy in many countries, including USA, India, Russia and most horrendously, Brazil. Speaking of. See for yourself: In January 2021, as the Brazilian city of Manaus was overrun by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the regional hospitals ran out of oxygen. She was given a Medal of Honour Legion in January, and Chabriere was livid, because his idol Raoult got same national award years ago. “He really inspired me.””,, Some astonishing and disgraceful revelations here about a man whose misleading claims on Covid-19 have formed the backbone of the "sceptic" case. (2020). If you are interested to support my work, you can leave here a small tip of $5. Posts about Eric Chabriere written by Leonid Schneider. Science Integrity Digest New Blog by Elisabeth Bik, on research integrity! Guess who the main (or probably the only) customer of Chabriere’s startup at IHU is: “However, Gene & Green TK is already generating revenue, thanks to its research, development and enzyme sales contracts negotiated mainly with the army“., — Yanis Roussel (@YanisJGR) June 12, 2020. As elsewhere, the clues came from Alexander Samuel. Chabriere has pushed all possible quack cures for COVID-19. Chabriere continues, with full support from his civilian and military superiors. The IHU is run as a tight ship with a military hierarchy. Eric chabriere @EChabriere. A bit about Gene & Green TK co-founder, Mikael Elias. Chabriere loves it, he and cungegonde1944 seem to be quite friendly in real life: Chabriere not only appreciates the racism of Riposte Laique, he also shared links to other Islamophobic websites (like the blog by Patrice Gibertie), and celebrated the French far-right politician Florian Philippot, former high-ranking member of Front National, who founded his own far-right party “Les Patriotes“. Février 2021 : 4 374 morts +10,6%. Cette réussite ne provient pas de ventes ni avec l'IHU ni avec l'APHM Is Frontiers a potential predatory publisher? It is scientifically illiterate trolling combined with misogynous, racist and antisemitic insults and threats of violence towards everyone who does not worship Raoult, most of the targets are accused of shilling for Gilead, the maker of remdesivir (and probably the only Big Pharma company which does not finance IHU). Can it be that IHU, with its affiliated Army officers, is supported by the French military? Patients who would have easily survived, suffocated to death, medical staff was unable to help them. Aucune étude scientifique ne montre que les restaurants avec un protocole sanitaire adapté sont des lieux de contamination. But of course many whistleblowers don’t know that and can’t financially afford to find out in court. The Marseille professor showed sufficiently often his full support for France Soir, a bizarre far-right newspaper pushing both chloroquine and QAnon agenda. For all we know, Arnaud Moor, the owner of Proxis, may have been merely passing on the €10 million from the French military onto IHU, by buying into Chabriere’s microbrew Gene & Green TK. On connait la fin" - Capitaine Eric Chabriere. This first author Mathieu Gendrot is a soldier, serving with the Army Heath Service in Marseille and affiliated with IHU. opinions personnelles Lacombe is a regular target of Chabriere’s attacks. To be fair, Chabriere viciously harassed all authors of that study, but Peiffer-Smadja has always been the main target of Chabriere’s slurs and aggression. But now that hydroxychloroquine enthusiast Perronne keeps advocating for Raoult’s COVID-19 all over national TV, Raoult sends direct and indirect support to the colleague he used to despise. Ce qui me fait grave flipper c'est que Chabrière, qui a le niveau d'un ado sur les réseaux sociaux en plus de participer à des fraudes scientifiques massives… Ben il bosse avec la Direction Générale de l'Armement. — Eric chabriere (@EChabriere) November 20, 2020 Despite the continuation of the HCQ religion and because even Raoult himself started to hint HCQ might not be working (anymore, since the virus mutated! As far as I know, Chabriere did his 1-year “service militaire” at CRSSA (there was a special status for scientist called “scientifique du contingent”) and then was hired as officer with a short-term contract (a common status then called OCTASSA). If the French generals are convinced that #HCQworks and Raoult is a genius who has the cure for the pandemic, the scientific reality ceases to matter. Now, what if I told you it was also the French Army who promoted the research into chloroquine as COVID-19 at Raoult’s IHU? Covid crank Michael Yeadon has left Twitter in disgrace after being outed as a racist. But why would the French Army do that, why would it payroll such psychopathic clowns and their abysmal research? I would love to know how many IHU researchers are army officers, but this is obviously not public knowledge. Another coauthor is Emilie Javelle, like Chabriere Captain of the French Army and also affiliated with IHU. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Eric, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. Vive la France? Or several of small tips, just increase the amount as you like (2x=€10; 5x=€25).
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