We use cookies in a limited and restricted manner for specific purposes. Dissolution de BarakaCity. He argued that “Islamic separatism” was problematic, and added: “The problem is an ideology which claims its own laws should be superior to those of the republic.”. This article about an organization in France is a stub. Head of French Muslim NGO BarakaCity, Idriss Sihamedi, 28 October 2020 [Gutsy Voice/Twitter] October 29, 2020 at 4:22 pm . *Writing and contribution by Busra Nur Bilgic Cakmak in Ankara. (Lahcène ABIB/Photo Lahcène Abib) par Amaelle Guiton. A BarakaCity employee later filmed the interior of the premises, showing torn switches, broken surveillance cameras and doors, books and files completely turned over. Le fondateur de BarakaCity … Son avocat a annoncé faire appel de la décision. [3] After the dissolution, the chairman of the NGO appealed to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for being granted asylum in Turkey.[4][5]. Idriss Sihamedi, fondateur de BarakaCity, demande l'asile en Turquie Sihamedi, fondateur de l'ONG BarakaCity, a affirmé ne plus se sentir en sécurité en France BarakaCity avait reçu de l'argent de la part de Samy Amimour, membre du commando terroriste du Bataclan For more details, you can see "our data policy". Details outlined in the decree shared by Darmanin accused BarakaCity and its founder Idriss Sihamedi of "disseminating...hateful, discriminatory and … publié le 28 octobre 2020 à 20h20. Céline Pina, conseillère régionale PS , dénonce leurs actions musclées au Salon de la femme musulmane de Pontoise et une stratégie marketingextrêmement efficace de la culpabilisation et du chantage affectif . PODCAST. [1] Its founders were characterised as salafists . ", "Gérald Darmanin annonce la dissolution de l'association BarakaCity", "Le Conseil d'Etat confirme la dissolution de BarakaCity et la fermeture de la mosquée de Pantin", "Darmanin a notifié au Collectif contre l'islamophobie sa dissolution", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Barakacity&oldid=999512556, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 January 2021, at 15:46. French police raided Wednesday the home of Muslim NGO BarakaCity’s founder and arrested him, the organization, which broadcast the raid live on its social channels, said. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. The period coincides with the announcement of the government's bill on separatism, and the opening of the trial of the 2015 attacks. Le prévenu, Idriss Yemou, 35 ans, plus connu sous le nom d'Idriss Sihamedi, était absent lors de son deuxième procès pour cyberhacèlement ce vendredi au tribunal correctionnel d'Evry (Essonne). Le président de l'association BarakaCity, Driss Yemmou, dit Idriss Sihamedi. Some NGOs or organizations which “act against the law and values of the country” might be closed or face tight financial audits, according to the controversial plan. In a press conference on Tuesday, he said a total of 73 mosques, private schools and workplaces have been closed since the beginning of this year “in the fight against radicalization.”. Idriss Sihamedi, the NGO’s president, was beaten up and arrested in front of his four children. BarakaCity : qui est Idriss Sihamedi, le président de l’association controversée ? Macron's speech was widely criticized by French Muslims due to fears that the bill, which will be submitted to parliament in December, could trigger abuse against them. The president of the NGO BarakaCity, Idriss Sihamedi, was arrested by armed officers during a raid broadcast online on Wednesday. Nouvelle condamnation pour Idriss Sihamedi, ex-président de BarakaCity, à 10 mois de prison avec sursis et 5.000 euros d’amende pour le cyberharcèlement de Zohra Bitan Société Marseille : « PD, sale handicapé », Thomas, un ado de 13 ans victime de harcèlement dans son collège car homosexuel (MàJ : sa mère témoigne) Sihamedi a été placé sous contrôle judiciaire. Le parquet avait requis 3 mois de prison avec sursis et 10000 euros d'amende. 776 talking about this. Sihamedi had called for a united Muslim response to Macron’s attempts to control Muslim public life and private beliefs. Haqqtiviste | Fondateur de @barakacity ", "Idriss was violently beaten by a police officer who pressed his head against the [floor] tiles while he was not resisting and cooperating.". [2], It was dissolved in November 2020 by French authorities in the aftermath of the Murder of Samuel Paty for spreading radical ideas using social media networks Facebook and Twitter. It has sparked criticism, with some representatives of the Muslim community describing the move as Islamophobic and discriminatory. Nous contesterons fermement, et apporterons toutes les preuves factuelles de ces mensonges ( comme un voyage en Syrie en 2018, qui n’a jamais existé, entre autres). The president of the NGO BarakaCity, Idriss Sihamedi, was arrested by armed officers in a raid broadcast online on Wednesday. Barakacity was a Muslim NGO active in France which was founded by Idriss Sihamedi and others in 2008, had international reach. pic.twitter.com/yWMNPdlOyb — BarakaCity (@Barakacity) October 14, 2020 The founder and former head of the now-defunct Islamist NGO, Idriss Sihamedi, took to Twitter to speak about the aftermath of the government ban. The decree also referred to a 2016 television interview in which Sihamedi refused to condemn the Islamic State (IS). Barakacity was a Muslim NGO active in France which was founded by Idriss Sihamedi and others in 2008, had international reach. Idriss Sihamedi, le fondateur de BarakaCity remis en liberté sous contrôle judiciaire . "Enseignant tué : qu'est-ce que "Barakacity", dans le viseur des autorités ? L’ONG musulmane est menacée de dissolution à la suite de l’attentat de Conflans. Le Prophète ﷺ a dit:« Viendra à vous des temps de patience. La police a empêché à l’épouse du président Idriss Sihamedi de s’habiller et de couvrir d’une couette son fils de 4 ans qui dormait avec elle. Its founders were characterised as salafists. Les Occidentaux, c'est eux qui l'ont tué, pour le pouvoir, l'argent, le pétrole… Il… CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT / AFP The highest French administrative court gave a double refusal, Wednesday, November 25, in two cases related to the terrorist assassination of Samuel Paty. - Idriss Sihamedi (@IdrissSihamedi) October 28, 2020. The president of the NGO BarakaCity, Idriss Sihamedi, was arrested by armed officers in a raid broadcast online on Wednesday. Anadolu Agency website contains only a portion of the news stories offered to subscribers in the AA News Broadcasting System (HAS), and in summarized form. According to connoisseurs of the Islamist movement, the rapprochement of BarakaCity and Erdogan's Turkey since this summer would not be trivial. "Search this morning at the home of the president of BarakaCity," it wrote on Facebook and Twitter, along with images "of the beds turned over, tables broken, baskets and linen turned over. [1] According to interior minister Gérald Darmanin, Barakacity was Islamist and had links to the Muslim Brotherhood. Macron claims Turkey interference in presidential polls. BarakaCity claims police used excessive force against organization head Idriss Sihamedi - Anadolu Agency Le président de l’association islamique BarakaCity, Driss Yemmou, dit Idriss Sihamedi, a été placé en garde à vue mercredi 21 octobre. Hier sur son compte Twitter, Idriss Sihamedi a expliqué avoir reçu tard dans la soirée une demande officielle de dissolution de l’ONG BarakaCity. Haqqtiviste | Fondateur de @barakacity Le jugement est tombé en début d’après-midi, ce mercredi 3 mars. En mars, Idriss Sihamedi, fondateur de l'association Barakacity dont a été prononcée mercredi la dissolution, se réjouissait de ne plus avoir à serrer la main des femmes. Mercredi matin, les locaux de BarakaCity ainsi que le domicile de son président ont été perquisitionnés. The former head of the Islamist NGO Barakacity, which was dissolved by the French government, has requested political asylum from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Elle accuse l'association de tenir un discours de guerre de civilisation « anti-occidental », lorsque son président tient ces propos : « Regardez, regardez cet enfant, regardez-le bien car ce pourrait être le vôtre, car un jour ce sera le vôtre. Details exposed in the decree shared by Darmanin accused BarakaCity and its founder Idriss Sihamedi of “spreading … hateful, discriminatory and violent ideas” through its social media accounts. Idriss Sihamedi, de son vrai nom Driss Yemmou, avait reconnu devant les enquêteurs avoir publié en septembre 133 tweets mettant en cause Zohra Bitan. 294 talking about this. No official statement has yet been made by the authorities but Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin had recently accused Sihamedi of “condoning terrorism” before deleting his tweet. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, had pronounced, following this attack, the dissolution of the NGO BarakaCity… Essonne. Sihamedi had criticised President Macron’s recent comments on supposed ‘Islamic separatism’. POLÉMIQUE - Idriss Sihamedi, le président de l'ONG musulmane BarakaCity, était invité dimanche du Supplément de Canal +, en même temps que … Sihamedi had criticised President Macron’s recent comments on supposed ‘Islamic separatism’. Idriss Sihamedi, le fondateur de BarakaCity a été condamné ce mercredi à 3000 € d'amende pour injures racistes envers la journaliste et militante anti-islamiste Zineb El Rhazoui. Sihamedi had criticized President Macron’s recent comments on alleged “Islamic separatism”. On the same occasion as the Pantin mosque (French: Mosquée de Pantin) was closed. Fondateur de l’ONG BarakaCity, Idriss Sihamedi, très suivi sur les réseaux sociaux, s’est lancé depuis la rentrée dans une offensive contre le projet de loi sur le séparatisme. Its Facebook page had 715 thousand followers and was popular among young Muslim believers. The raid is one of many that took place across France following President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement to fight "Islamist separatism" in the country. The great mosque of Pantin (Seine-Saint-Denis), October 20. Its Facebook page had 715 thousand followers and was popular among young Muslim believers. S'accrocher à votre Religion sera comme tenir des braises dans ses mains.
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