This will allow you to add custom sections to the game.ini file using the server manager.CHANGE* Added ToolTip to profile label and profile tab that shows the profile name and profile id. * es-ES Translation file updated. Allows the ability to only enable player levels, or enable player and dino levels. (thanks AngeMyMy )* pt-BR Translation file updated. * Rules Section - added new PlatformSaddleBuildAreaBoundsMultiplier slider option. Currently doexit causes world file problems with large file sizes. * Added server ip and port to the alert message when starting the server.CHANGE* Translation files updated.1.1.389 (1.1.389.1)CHANGE* Translation files updated.1.1.388 (1.1.388.1)NEW* AllowSharedConnections (Allow Shared Connections) setting - added to the Administration section, Server Settings group. If enabled, will add extra time when the auto update is run and your server is updated.CHANGE* Server Settings (Dinos section) - have split the bForceCanRideFliers setting into two settings - Change Flyer Riding and Enable Flyer Riding. * Settings Window - changed the filter drop lists to show the Mod name. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Added the new tame limit setting (bUseTameLimitForStructuresOnly) to the dino section.1.0.307 (1.0.307.1)CHANGE* Changed the default Steam WEB API key used by ASM, as the old one got overused.NOTE: To protect yourself from this happening in the future, use the 'Get WEB API Key' button in the global settings and create your own WEB API key. * fr-FR Translation file updated. 58748 Recherche de jeux. Max Tribes Per Alliance - Rules section5. * Game Data Window - Fixed a bug when clicking the Open GameData Folder button and no gamedata folder exists. They should all now work properly when changing the spawn values. * Out of Date Mods - added new alert message that is sent when the server manager detects a mod is outdated.CHANGE* Profile Sync Window - have changed the way this window works. (thanks AngeMyMy )CHANGED* RU Translation file updated. * DotNet Framework updated to 4.6.2. * fr-FR Translation file updated. (thanks varlonec )* Dino Inventory - Added Medium and Hard variants of Spider and Gorilla Bosses. Added Ragnarok DinoSpawnEntries7. '''==Welcome To Q Research General==''' '''We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. * Engram Sync - fixed bug with the engram sync. Action sociale sans hébergement: 600 341 141€ 3 419: 175 590€ 10 000€ Soutien aux institutions et lieux de création et de diffusion en matière de spectacle vivant: 589 261 475€ 7 134: 82 599€ 15 000€ Accueil des jeunes 16-25 ans : emploi, santé, formation, accompagnement social: 513 551 135€ 1 133: 453 267€ 353 694€ * Server Settings - EnableCryopodNerf - fixed setting name so it now works.CHANGE* Main Window - changed the min width to 1024 pixels. * Server Settings - have added error dialogs when trying to add a child record without selecting a parent record first (crafting overrides, map spawner overrides and supply crate overrides). Dan betaal je géén verzendkosten. * Update RU translation file.NEWArk 273 Changes* Added bAutoUnlockAllEngrams option to Engrams section. * Rcon Window - added null reference checking for send command results.1.0.335 (1.0.335.2)BUGFIX* Scheduled Tasks folder name - fixed the folder name back to ArkServerManager.NOTE: This change will require you to delete all your existing tasks under the 'ServerManager' folder in Windows Task Scheduler. * Server Validation - Fixed the validation when the mod details could not be downloaded from steam.CHANGE* ru-RU Translation file updated. (thanks varlonec )1.0.355 (1.0.355.2)BUGFIX* Stack Size Section - fixed save button on item rows to only save that item, not all items.NEW* Server Settings (Rules) - added new Genesis group with bDisableGenesisMissions and AllowTekSuitPowersInGenesis settings.CHANGE* Server Settings (Structures) - put GenesisUseStructuresPreventionVolumes setting into Genesis group for clarity. 1.1.394 (1.1.394.2)NEW* Server Settings - Added Peer port field to Administration section. A new alert type has been added ServerStatusUpdate. (thanks AngeMyMy )* pt-BR Translation file updated. * Changed the dino grid to show the tamable flag on dinos that are tamable by eggs only. Long ago, when the world was ruled by darkness. Valid range is 0 - 65535. (thanks bastogne )CHANGE* fr-FR Translation file updated. When set the zero it will disable to auto refresh, and must be done manually. * Added Alpha, Beta and Gamma Manticore trophies. (thanks bruno5011 )1.0.359 (1.0.359.8)BUGFIX* Game Data - fixed a crash when loading with an invalid gamedata file. * Server Monitor Window - includes a button to create a shortcut on your desktop that can start the Server Monitor directly, without the server manager. ... Van Roeselare tot aan Peer en van Bastogne tot aan Turnhout. This means Windows OS versions from Vista and earlier will no longer work.This means Windows Server OS versions from 2008 and earlier will no longer work.NOTE: There is a new version of the Discord plugin - (1.0.331.1)BUGFIXDuplicated comma bug - fixed the duplicate comma bug.1.0.330 (1.0.330.2)BUGFIXDuplicated comma bug - fixed the duplicate comma bug.NEWProcess Priority and Processor Affinity - added new priority and affinity entry fields.1.0.329 (1.0.329.4)BUGFIX* Server Status spamming - attempt to fix the server status spam being sent to the discord plugin.CHANGE* Server Stop process - changed the way the server stop process is done. (thanks AngeMyMy )* pt-BR Translation file updated. Guest 11-Feb-2021 00:49: BILL O'CONNOR: somewhere in this list is a request from Bill O'Connor, looking for anyone who served with him at Cua Viet in 1968: Bill, I did, Tim Sills, 95194 N. Bank Rogue, Gold Beach, OR, 97444; you had a brother, and you both went to Taiwan for R&R. * Config Files - changed the output of float numbers to 6 decimals.NOTE: A new discord plugin version is available.1.0.336 (1.0.336.5)CHANGE* Mod Details - when the steam fetch fails, basic mod details are read from the local workshop cache file, if one exists. Have included only the main events.CHANGE* Profile Sync - removed the ports and password from the administration section sync. (thanks acme )* ARK 278.0 options added.ServerAllowAnsel -> Administration sectionAllowHideDamageSourceFromLogs -> Administration sectionTribeNameChangeCooldown -> Rules sectionRandomSupplyCratePoints -> Rules sectionDisableWeatherFog -> Environment sectionbHardLimitTurretsInRange -> Structures sectionTamedDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier -> Dino sectionTamedDinoTorporDrainMultiplier -> Dino sectionWildDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier -> Dino sectionWildDinoTorporDrainMultiplier -> Dino sectionPassiveTameIntervalMultiplier -> Dino sectionPreventOfflinePvPConnectionInvincibleInterval -> Rules section1.0.319 (1.0.319.2)BUGFIX* Profile and Server backups have been fixed. * Language files - Have added Mod Name to the language files. * Starting a Server - when you server is started, it now records the last started time in your profiles. * Updated a few dino name tags as per the wiki.NEW* Added a Reset button to the top of the global settings form, to reset ALL user settings. * ru-RU Translation file updated.1.1.386 (1.1.386.2)CHANGE* Changed the Difficulty Offset slider, so it does not have a max value. * Removed ProfileToolTip from profile file.NEW* Server Settings - Rules Section - added missing TribeSlotReuseCooldown setting. * Mod Details window - when moving the mods up and down, it no longer updates the mod details. Eigentumswohnungen zum Kauf in Franken - Alle Kaufangebote in der Region finden Sie bei We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 14.9k Followers, 135 Following, 3,778 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from RueDesJoueurs (@ruedesjoueurs) Values are only written to the config files when the checkbox is enabled, this should allow for the server defaults to be used. * To recreate, open the Global Settings and close it. Onder collectief vaandel streamen verschillende redactieleden van Gamersnet hun eigen game-avonturen. * Server Settings (Engrams section) - changed the way the sort works for the engrams grid. (thanks AngeMyMy )* ru-RU Translation file updated. (thanks varlonec )1.0.356 (1.0.356.6)NEW* Main Window - Added Game Data Window button to open a new Game Data window. * Updated all grid checkbox columns to align the checkbox properly. NOTE: This change will require you to delete all your existing tasks under the 'ServerManager' folder in Windows Task Scheduler. * Added a new Custom Engine.ini section. Affinity can be set using the Affinity window, or the LauncherArgs. (thanks varlonec )* Main Window - Start position changed to 50,50. (thanks bruno5011 )* ru-RU Translation file updated. (thanks AngeMyMy )* ru-RU Translation file updated. Einkaufen bei eBay ist sicher – dank Käuferschutz. (thanks shouke )1.1.376 (1.1.376.1)CHANGE* Added additional logging when the server is being started. * fr-FR Translation file updated. * Import Profile - now imports to the current profile rather than creating a new profile and overwriting the current profile. CrossARKAllowForeignDinoDownloads added to Rules section -> Tribute Options group.3. This has been added to the Dino Breeding Multipliers group near the bottom of the section. Se udvalget her og få fri fragt ved køb over 1.000,- * Chibi Player levels are now highlighted (like ascension was), the note message has been updated with additional information about the levels. Daily reviewed nude celeb and sexy celeb picture and video galleries 60 minute shutdown timer will only alert at these times - 60, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4 ,3, 2, (1.1.383.1)BUGFIX* Fixed an issue where the Alert message for the server status would send through English only. * Added new Server Status alert messages through the Discord plugin. * Environment Section - Resource Grid - fixed tooltip on the save button. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.''' Faites des économies avec Tiendeo! List of Amc - Free ebook download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. * de-DE Translation file updated. (thanks AngeMyMy )* ru-RU Translation file updated.
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